Small closet grow


Well-Known Member
Super excited today my girl is two weeks into flowering and she looks amazing no signs of any stress just a couple of light burns but not really bad at all and I just confirmed that my lst plant is a female :hump: she was just kinda of an experiment ,I have been ruffing her up tying her down and super cropped her but now that I know she is a female gonna be a little more careful with her But i think she likes it a little ruff lol


Well-Known Member
Congratz on the girl.
Thanks man that's the second plant for me that started showing her pistols before I even switch to 12/12 Is that normal I mean do must plants show there sex before you switch to 12/12 because my first grow I did not know the sex till one week into 12/12 I was hoping it was just good genetics ?


Well-Known Member
They will once they are mature enough, I use clones so never worry about it. I think most likely because you vegged her so long. You will notice your flowers will probably start within 2-3 days after the flip.


Well-Known Member
They will once they are mature enough, I use clones so never worry about it. I think most likely because you vegged her so long. You will notice your flowers will probably start within 2-3 days after the flip.
Thanks i appreciate the info tried to rep but it wont let me I have to spread the love around Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Okay here are some more pics first is a plant that I am trying to main line seconded is an lst plant that i just super cropped and the last ones are from my main plant Priscilla
U got this man ur doin awesome...I dig the closet set up....mainlining looks good too... just b patient w it ull see what to do...let her shoot up some n thicken up some then another round of topping.


Well-Known Member
U got this man ur doin awesome...I dig the closet set up....mainlining looks good too... just b patient w it ull see what to do...let her shoot up some n thicken up some then another round of topping.
Hey I really appreciate you stopping by and giving me advice, Your right just got to be patient That's what i was thinking about letting her shoot up then topping her again Thanks again Mr.Vega


Well-Known Member
Yes but dont like top her rite when u think shes ready...what I mean is let her shoot up a node or even two...then come down to first node on that branch or wherever u want her to split n cut her there....this will help keep her branches thick n takes more time but ull be making a beast...just get in the mindset that ur in absolutely no rush to flower ur mainline plants...u have to learn to appreciate the veg process on this one...which is a good thing


Well-Known Member
Okay ya I'm in no hurry to flower her I have a veg closet and a flower closet and the one that is in flowering still has about 7 or so weeks to go so I got time to mess with her and let her grow


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed Mr.Vega I think I need to get some more side lighting down at the bottom not sure if i should trim some of those lower popcorn bud sites? I never trimmed anything during veg


Well-Known Member
Def side lights...very important imo...use good judgement on trimming...if it doesnt look like itll amount to shit hack it..ur little lower weak lookin side lighting helps w a lot of lower stff u just gotta use ur judgement...look at the plant...visualize what its gonna do n go from there...experience will help w this as u grow....better too little than too much when trimming just remember steps...dont go too far n get carried away n fuck urself.