Slug Bugs!


Active Member
The leaves on my outdoor plants are being eaten by something other than a caterpillar! I have sprayed them all with Neem and an organic caterpillar killer, made sure I got the under-side of the leaves and everything.

Didn't work. :evil:

I think it's snails or slugs because I see silvery trails along the trunk and bottom leaves. Please don't tell me it's some kind of wild hybrid weed eatin bug that I can't get rid of. They've only been outside since the second week of February.

Help! :cry:


Well-Known Member
i wrap steel wool around the stalk, they wont climb over it. Make sure none of your branches are touching other plants the slugs can get too.



Well-Known Member
this is what you need copper wire

Copper wire will do the trick wind some around the bottom of the stalk and they will not cross it. I have used it for a few years on my outdoor and no problems. Stops snails too! You can buy a mesh like I use from these guys 14$ for 25 feet, it expands as the stalk gets bigger.,51555&p=51241


If you like REP would be nice.