SLS Cool Cab (original) - Northern Lights and Super Silver Haze


Active Member
Two front is NL and Two Back are Super Silver Haze. NL is from femaleseeds dot nl & SSH is from Green House, all female seeds. The Top left plant has to be re-seeded and is behind 5 days. Official start date is 11/11/2009.

Nutes are Advanced Nuts Sensi A&B

400mh bulb, 12" from seedlings, Original Cool Cab by SLS.

Re-seeded Top Left with another Super Silver Haze due to inappropriate rooting.

Starting 1:50am ph was 7.31, Water Temp was 63.3F, 260ppm (will automatically be deducted from future readings)

Picture is of Day 4 from seed.

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
This is day 12 of the grow - detail pictures of all. 11-23-2009 NL (FRT), SSH (BACK)

12" from plants

Day 2: 6.07ph, 40ppm, 06:10pm
Day 4: 5.83ph, 80ppm, 10:55pm, add 1.5ml ea
Day 8: 6.01ph, 130ppm, 05:25pm, add 5ml ea
Day 9: 6.07ph, 200ppm, 06:10pm, add 8ml ea
Day 11: 6.01ph, 280ppm, 07:45pm, add 6ml ea
Day 12: 5.80ph, 360ppm, 07:25pm, add 16.5ml ea

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
I use a digital dedicated reader for levels, therefore they are very accurate because of how water temps change readings.

Day 13: 5.99ph, 350ppm, 06:00pm
Day 13: 5.92ph, 410ppm, 06:05pm, add 10ml ea
Day 14: 6.02ph, 410ppm, 03:00pm
Day 14: 5.98ph, 490ppm, 09:15pm, add 11ml ea
Day 15: 6.02ph, 470ppm, 05:45pm
Day 15: 5.86ph, 500ppm, 06:00pm, add 5ml ea
Day 16: 5.99ph, 510ppm, 08:30pm
Day 17: 6.07ph, 490ppm, 12:00pm
Day 18: 6.08ph, 500ppm, 10:30pm, add 5ml ea
Day 19: 6.01ph, 480ppm, 08:30pm, add 1ml ea
Day 20: 5.94ph, 500ppm, 8:00pm
Day 21: 6.02ph, 500ppm, 12:30pm, trimmed
Day 22: December 3rd

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1400ppm (86ml)
Wk 8 1400ppm (86ml) end of NL
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 0ppm (0ml)
Wk 11-12 0 ppm (0ml) end of SSH

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Be sure to Watch Week 2 journal since I am just editing it every day or two with updated information.

However, here are the most recent photos taken today, Day 17 of grow from seed.

Here is the first Full Cool Cab photo @ Day 17:

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Ok today I added air-condition to get the 90 degree cab temps down. So I am hanging around 71 degrees F today and 34% humidity.

The burn spot on NL (BTM RT) was just do to me getting a drop of ph down on the leave. Its ok. (update: wk 3 trimming took care of this)

Comments welcomed.

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Today temps are staying stable at around 84F w/no air conditioning.

The nutrients are just great as usual - the plants and leaves are so healthy and super green, as you can see.

side Note: I started an AeroGarden Pro200 grow today and will be raising three (3) Little Angel females. Grow journal to follow in about a week.

repeat Note: The burn spot on NL (BTM RT) was just do to me getting a drop of ph down on the leave. Its ok.

Comments welcomed.

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Hey man wish I had the cajones to post pics of my cab but I feel you on the temps.

I managed to score the cab from a guy locally so I didn't pay SLS retail price but after all my mods I have paid what they are asking for it.

I hate to hijack a thread and harp on our cabinets but you gotta admit, for the two stacks dropped on an apparent 'turnkey' system there is many flaws. Most of which are miniscule, and due to the company cutting corners.

Many examples: 14 dollar 50cfm exhaust fan instead of tossing an extra 15 bucks for the 30 dollar one that is quiter, as well as more cfm to actually get that hot air outta the way..(the rigged ass carbon filter they give you acts more like a roadblock for the exhaust fan instead of an air scrubber, I junked mine and baught an ionizer thinger and it covers the widow ladies stink easily).

I had to go and get a better inline fan to blow that air outta the cooltube, the pity 160cfm they have from the factory is all but inadequate albeit cool to the touch none the less.. I also weather stripped the entire perimeter of the doors to keep air/light in, and had to do something about the two inch gap between the door and the upper cloning chamber/deck when the doors are closed(dont want the new babies creepin down on my ladies after I flip the lights), not to mention re mount the original, because where they mount it makes em strech, and bend like it back in style. also added another cfl and changed both those tubes to an actual spectrum you can use.

None the less wish you the best, they look so lovely for not doing much but adding an AC (much wiser then my costly investments) so I am subbed to say the least!

Best Wishes!

EDIT - Also wanted to mention, the LA Crosse temp shabang they send with it is junk as well. go to wally world, they have a ten dollar one that has yet to fail me. cheers :bigjoint:.


Active Member
Hey man wish I had the cajones to post pics of my cab but I feel you on the temps.

I managed to score the cab from a guy locally so I didn't pay SLS retail price but after all my mods I have paid what they are asking for it.

I hate to hijack a thread and harp on our cabinets but you gotta admit, for the two stacks dropped on an apparent 'turnkey' system there is many flaws. Most of which are miniscule, and due to the company cutting corners.

Many examples: 14 dollar 50cfm exhaust fan instead of tossing an extra 15 bucks for the 30 dollar one that is quiter, as well as more cfm to actually get that hot air outta the way..(the rigged ass carbon filter they give you acts more like a roadblock for the exhaust fan instead of an air scrubber, I junked mine and baught an ionizer thinger and it covers the widow ladies stink easily).

I had to go and get a better inline fan to blow that air outta the cooltube, the pity 160cfm they have from the factory is all but inadequate albeit cool to the touch none the less.. I also weather stripped the entire perimeter of the doors to keep air/light in, and had to do something about the two inch gap between the door and the upper cloning chamber/deck when the doors are closed(dont want the new babies creepin down on my ladies after I flip the lights), not to mention re mount the original, because where they mount it makes em strech, and bend like it back in style. also added another cfl and changed both those tubes to an actual spectrum you can use.

None the less wish you the best, they look so lovely for not doing much but adding an AC (much wiser then my costly investments) so I am subbed to say the least!

Best Wishes!

EDIT - Also wanted to mention, the LA Crosse temp shabang they send with it is junk as well. go to wally world, they have a ten dollar one that has yet to fail me. cheers :bigjoint:.

Hey there, I have had this over a year and this is my third grow. Yea I hated to mod this baby right from the beginning but oh well it has paid for its self and then some. hehe

What size intake did you replace it with? I also had to "seal" mine of course. I am thinking of removing the cloning area for more space. Moving the pulley and light to the top of the cab with new holes. This seems to be popular but I havent needed to yet because I havent had any strains that tall.

Yes, with a cooling intake the temps went from 93/94 to 72/73 - holy shit! I am only using it when the daily temp gets above 50. I dont think I will have to worry much more about that around here. hehe

Anyways any talk about these cabs and improvement experience is appreciated and I enjoy talking to others about our metal coat storage. lol

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
ENTIRE Journal @

Trimming has went well and has helped a lot with the smell. I already have the charcoal filter and ozone running; these woman are smelly.

Gonna wait two days for the stress to subside some before I up the nutes a bit. Plans are 16ml each, every two days this following week for a total of 50ml each A&B. Should get me up to 750ppm.

Here are the before and after trim photos:

Oh yea I turn the plans 1/4 to the left to ensure fan leafs are exposed and within the cab.

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Here starts the new daily levels for week 3 starting...

Day 21: 6.02ph, 500ppm, 12:30pm, trimmed
Day 22: 5.88ph, 500ppm, 07:45pm
Day 23: 5.91ph, 500ppm, 01:00pm, added 16ml ea
Day 23: 6.06ph, 570ppm, 01:05pm
Day 24: 5.96ph, 570ppm, 12:00am
Day 25: 5.90ph, 580ppm, 01:30am
Day 25: 5.88ph, 570ppm, 06:45pm, add 16ml ea
Day 25: 6.00ph, 640ppm, 07:00pm
Day 26: December 7th
Day 27:
Day 28:

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1400ppm (86ml)
Wk 8 1400ppm (86ml) end of NL
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 0ppm (0ml)
Wk 11-12 0 ppm (0ml) end of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used

DishNetGuy bongsmilie


Active Member
Here starts the new daily levels for week 3 starting...

Day 21: 6.02ph, 500ppm, 12:30pm, trimmed
Day 22: 5.88ph, 500ppm, 07:45pm
Day 23: 5.91ph, 500ppm, 01:00pm, added 16ml ea
Day 23: 6.06ph, 570ppm, 01:05pm
Day 24: 5.96ph, 570ppm, 12:00am
Day 25: 5.90ph, 580ppm, 01:30am
Day 25: 5.88ph, 570ppm, 06:45pm, add 16ml ea
Day 25: 6.00ph, 640ppm, 07:00pm
Day 26: December 7th
Day 27:
Day 28:

DishNetGuy bongsmilie
Day 26: 5.95ph, 650ppm, 10:00pm
Day 27: 5.85ph, 620ppm, 12:30am
Day 28: 5.84ph, 720ppm, 01:00pm, added 18ml ea, END OF WEEK 3


Active Member
Here starts the new daily levels for week 3 starting...

Day 29: 5.65ph, 740ppm, 01:00pm
Day 30: 5.43ph, 680ppm, 01:00pm, added 9ml ea, added ph up
Day 30: 5.86ph, 730ppm, 01:30pm
Day 31: 5.55ph, 720ppm, 01:00pm
Day 31: 5.90ph, 710ppm, 10:00pm
Day 32: 5.70ph, 720ppm, 01:00pm, added 33ml ea, added ph up
Day 32: 5.96ph, 920ppm, 01:15pm
Day 33: December 14th
Day 34: December 15th
Day 35: December 16th

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1400ppm (86ml)
Wk 8 1400ppm (86ml) end of NL
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 0ppm (0ml)
Wk 11-12 0 ppm (0ml) end of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used



Active Member
Here starts the new daily levels for week 4 ending (veg)...

Day 32: 5.96ph, 920ppm, 01:15pm (23 Days VEG)
Day 33: 6.03ph, 940ppm, 01:00pm (24 Days VEG)
Day 34: 6.04ph, 870ppm, 02:00pm, added 10ml ea
Day 34: 6.10ph, 890ppm, 02:10pm
Day 35: 6.00ph, 930ppm, 12:00pm
Day 36: December 17th (27 Days VEG)
Day 37: December 18th (28 Days VEG)

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 8 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 11 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 12 1000ppm (65ml) end of NL
Wk 13 0ppm
Wk 14-15 0ppm End of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used



Active Member

Day 35: 6.00ph, 930ppm, 12:00pm
Day 36: 5.80ph, 860ppm, 03:00pm, added 20ml ea, added ph up (27 Days VEG)
Day 36: 5.95ph, 980ppm, 03:00pm (27 Days VEG)
Day 37: 5.67ph, 980ppm, 01:00pm, added ph up (28 Days VEG)
Day 37: 5.83ph,1000ppm, 04:45pm (28 Days VEG)
DAY 38 DECEMBER 19th, 01:100am **** END OF VEG ~ START BLOOM/HPS ****

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 8 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 11 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 12 1000ppm (65ml) end of NL
Wk 13 0ppm
Wk 14-15 0ppm End of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used



Active Member
Day 36: 5.80ph, 860ppm, 03:00pm, added 20ml ea, added ph up (27 Days VEG)
Day 36: 5.95ph, 980ppm, 03:00pm (27 Days VEG)
Day 37: 5.67ph, 980ppm, 01:00pm, added ph up (28 Days VEG)
Day 37: 5.83ph,1000ppm, 04:45pm (28 Days VEG)

DAY 38: DECEMBER 19th, 01:00am **** END OF VEG ~ START BLOOM/HPS ****

DAY 38: 5.80ph, 820ppm, 12:00am, empty resvr, new water, added 105ml ea AdvNutes Sensi A&B Bloom, adjusted ph
DAY 38: SWITCHED TO 12/12@, 01:00am
DAY 38: SWITCHED TO HPS400W@, 01:00am
DAY 39: 6.33ph, 910ppm, 01:00pm

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 8 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 11 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 12 1000ppm (65ml) end of NL
Wk 13 0ppm
Wk 14-15 0ppm End of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used



Active Member
Day 37: 5.83ph,1000ppm, 04:45pm (28 Days VEG)

DAY 38: DECEMBER 19th, 01:00am **** END OF VEG ~ START BLOOM/HPS ****

DAY 38: 5.80ph, 820ppm, 12:00am, empty resvr, new water, added 105ml ea AdvNutes Sensi A&B Bloom, adjusted ph
DAY 38: SWITCHED TO 12/12@, 01:00am
DAY 38: SWITCHED TO HPS400W@, 01:00am
DAY 39: 6.33ph, 910ppm, 01:00pm
DAY 40: 6.32ph, 930ppm, 03:00pm
DAY 41: 6.52ph, 970ppm, 11:00am, added ph down (DAY 4 FLOWER)

My schedule on 10gal:
Wk 1 SEED 250ppm (25ml)
Wk 2 SMALL 500ppm (39ml)
Wk 3 750ppm (50ml)
Wk 4 1000ppm (63ml)
Wk 5 1000ppm (65ml)
Wk 6 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 7 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 8 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 9 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 10 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 11 1200ppm (74ml)
Wk 12 1000ppm (65ml) end of NL
Wk 13 0ppm
Wk 14-15 0ppm End of SSH

AdvNutes Sensi A&B used




Well-Known Member
Hey man what's up. I remember you for sure and thanks for your help! Your grow is looking good. I started my 4th grow about the same time as you. This will be my last grow with the SLS system I have another prefab up my sleeve. Stay tuned.