SlikWiLL13's Intro To LSD

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I am amazed at how easy it is to ruffel feathers, I don'nt normally expect this from stoners. They usually are a little bit chiller.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Technically you could be rendered Mentally Indagent Adult. You could loose a number of your basic freedoms, the right to vote and bare arms, and make your own medical decisions. I have known people this has happened to. So meh.

Lol. But your right generally. The man already knows everything you have done for the most part, so posting it online wouldnt change much I guess. I was just throwing a thought out there. It is amazing to me constantly how a simple thought can fry people so easily.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
On a side note, who says that a Hallucinatory Section is for talking about your 14 year old experiences on LSD. Maybe it could be for talking about the Science, Laws, Mechanics etc. of these substances? Yes No?

RC Maniac

New Member
OK man, I'm thru discussing this with you. Your pompous and opinionated posts are to annoying. You are constantly saying your agitating us yet you continue posting. Fuck man.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Im not sure what you are trying to say, but I just busted your bs wide open in our personal conversations. You said that pshycedelics could not be synthesized and that I was an idiot because I believed that they could be.

Anyone with 45 seconds of time, would look this up on the internet and know this is not the case. Read Eisner, either of the Mckennas, Shulgin or for that matter Leary before you are going to lecture me on any of this from now on. You know nothing, or at least little. You are good being mad, and easily upset. That isn't my fault, im just typing, not flicking your ear, or leaving shit on your door step.

Ok since you need the education, how about this, Ill give you a short list off the top of my head,

Synthetic mescaline, LSD, 5meo-amt, amt, Dmt, det, 2ct(2,7 or 21), DOET, 2cb, 2ci, 2cd, 2cc, Fucking DIPT, Tma 2, and like 130 others! ! !

Look it up, I experienced life, that is where my information comes from. If you don't believe it, waste 5 minutes before arguing for once and LOOK IT UP! ! ! Not just on a hippy forum, but in a real encyclopedia!

From your last message "Your the motherfucking moron who thinks the Dutch synthesized 2C-I to emulate the effects of average psychedelics. One, the Dutch didn't invent 2C-I and two, how do you make a chemical emulate the effects of a psychedelic. You must be the most retarded shaman I've ever met."

Well you got me on the Dutch thing, they just sold the shit out of it, and the Doctor who invented it was Shulgin himself(sounds really dutch). But you are as dumb as tits on a rock if you think there are not synthesized psychedelics. According to Doctor Timothy Leary there are over 130 synthesized mind altering pshychedelics. So.. .. give it up for once. You were ahead several posts ago, you should have left it alone.


Well-Known Member
ahhh, whenever i wake up on a sunday morning it always seems like i have some new additions to my 'ignore' list.

by boys, its been fun.


Well-Known Member
No it's been fucking awful. So Slikwil. :-) Hows your weekend been going thusfar.
lame. i was gonna dose with this girl friday but it wasnt gonna be right so i stayed home and cleaned the growroom. saturday night to current ive been babysitting my sisters kid so its been like a circus around here(mine is 3 and hers is 4!). but i did figure out a way to go to the halloween party in St Louis i didnt think i would make it to, so it wasnt a total wash.


Well-Known Member
ive never actually used the ignore button...its kinda fun. i see that he posted, but its converted into charlie brown adult voices.


Well-Known Member
i was gonna make a new thread but this seems to already be in the topic of LSD facts.

So ive ben told like 70% of "acid " isnt even really acid. ive herd most of the time is GHB and other crap. also wats lsd-25 and i think ive herd of lsd-50 before.

so what is TRUE acid and what are most of the fakers???


Well-Known Member
i was gonna make a new thread but this seems to already be in the topic of LSD facts.

So ive ben told like 70% of "acid " isnt even really acid. ive herd most of the time is GHB and other crap. also wats lsd-25 and i think ive herd of lsd-50 before.

so what is TRUE acid and what are most of the fakers???
perhaps youve seen LD50, not LSD-50. LD50 means the leathal dose of a given substance per kilogram(right?) of body weight.

i bet less than 70% is real LSD. there are dozens of chemicals that make you trip one way or another but very few as well studied as LSD.

real L doesnt make your body hurt before and afterwards, thats always a sure sign youve got something other than LSD.


Well-Known Member
Kilograms in large animals, grams in small animals, and milligrams in tiny animals.
heres what wiki says about it -

In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD50 (abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), LC50 (Lethal Concentration, 50%) or LCt50 (Lethal Concentration & Time) of a toxic substance or radiation is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population. LD50 figures are frequently used as a general indicator of a substance's acute toxicity. The test was created by J.W. Trevan in 1927.[1] It is being phased out in some jurisdictions in favor of tests such as the Fixed Dose Procedure,[2] however the concept, and calculation of the median lethal dose for comparison purposes, is still widely used.
As a measure of toxicity, LD50 is somewhat unreliable and results may vary greatly between testing facilities due to factors such as the genetic characteristics of the sample population, animal species tested, environmental factors and mode of administration.[3] Another weakness is that it measures acute toxicity only (as opposed to chronic toxicity at lower doses), and does not take into account toxic effects that do not result in death but are nonetheless serious (e.g. brain damage). There can be wide variability between species as well; what is relatively safe for rats may very well be extremely toxic for humans, and vice versa. In other words, a relatively high LD50 does not necessarily mean a substance is harmless, but a very low one is always a cause for concern.
The term semilethal dose is occasionally used with the same meaning, particularly in translations from non-English-language texts, but can also refer to a sublethal dose; because of this ambiguity, it is usually avoided.