Slight Curling, Suggestions? :)


Well-Known Member
They look like they got to hot from too many ferts.
Looks like also could use some more Perlite.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty new to growing, I have some curling on the tip of my leaves along with new leaves coming up crumpled and wrinkled. The pics will describe better than I can. Thanks so much in advance!
What sort of soil is that? What your grow setup look like? Looks as though that soil either holds a shit ton of water or your watering too much an like bear said that soil needs perlite added depending on what it's in.
I watered just before i sent the pics so that may be why it looks so wet haha. The soil is entirely organic with nothing special added, im growing from a remote place so i can't get any name brand stuff. I added homemade nutrients to the plant right after i sent the pic as i did some research and thought it could've been that. (I added only recommended stuff) @Lordhooha @Bear420 I'm gonna be adding some perlite today. Also it could be in too warm of a climate so I'm gonna introduce it to A/C slowly. I'll keep you updated and any advice you guys may have is welcomed!