Skunk#1 UK grow (soil,3rd grow,learning)

Mr Minger

Active Member
A budget, stealth, small grow for personal use.

Only ever bought from Sensiseeds so far - Afghani#1 - Northernlights (nearly ready!) - now Skunk#1.

Set up-

Germination/cuttings - An old fish tank with 1 x 24" growlux tube (24hrs) + a heated germination tray. (i have 2 NL cuttings in here, 'ticking over' waiting to go into my new veg tent - I will top them b4 I move them)

Veg - I have just ordered an 80x80x140cm Secret jardin grow tent (DR80?), 125w CFL light (24hrs). Fan, humidifier. (Should be up & running Weds 17th Dec)

Flower - A converted wardrobe (Was used for veg & flower B4), 250w hps (12-12hrs), fan, fan heater for night.

Soil - John innes no2 + 25% sand + 25% vermiculite + 5% gravel. (this mix is new to this grow, only used JI#2+sand b4 & soil became a bit 2 solid!)

Nutes - none till veg tent. Then 25% recomended dose of Hesi soil 'TNT' + Epsom salts for first water. Then increase 'TNT' over susequent waterings. Hesi soil 'Bloom' for flowering @25% + 25% 'TNT' - & increase % 'Bloom' & stop 'TNT'. 'Bloom' + 'Phosphorus plus' towards end then water only for last 2 weeks.

Water - As far as possible i try to use the water from my fish tanks, lots of good organisms in there! & ph balanced etc.

Pic 1 - seed pack. Pic 2 - seed on soaked paper. Pic 3 - sealed box. Pic 4 Flower room with 1 untopped northernlights bout 5 weeks flowering.

Feel free to comment if you like.



Well-Known Member
very nice setup.. no bad comments very well thought out and your gonna pick some killer budz soon.. good job.. ill keep checking back for more pics and lets see some dem buds when there cured...

gogogrow tents are the shit

Mr Minger

Active Member

After three days I thought that i'd have a check of my seeds... Expecting them to have just about cracked the seed a bit I was shocked to find some of the sproughts were over a cm long already!

I immediately planted them into 5cm pots in a sand-soil-vermiculite mix and put them in my germination box.

Pic1 -sproughts. Pic2 Sproughts and pots. Pic3 Germbox. Pic4 germbox-inside (with 2 NL cuttings ticking over).

Hope to get my growtent tomorrow... And update then.


Mr Minger

Active Member
Thanx Homegrown,

Been dry for Ni-on three months now! So those buds on my NL look so ready to smoke already! It prob needs another 2 weeks really:-(

Not heard of Gogogrow tents, I went to get a Budbox but the chap said some people had probs with them and recomended the Secret Jardin...

Maybe he makes more out of them! but they sound ok on the website... Anyone had any experience? I'm getting a darkroom Dr80 tomorrow. (checkout the Mammoth!)

Mr Minger

Active Member

Four Skunk seedlings have broken the surface but dont seem to be in a hurry to see the light... I know the feeling! Sraying with water only. T-26C, H-75%RH

Got my grow tent... He got me a 60cmX60cm rather than the 80X80 that I ordered! I was kinda narked off at the time but actually it turns out it was what I should have ordered in the first place... A DR80 would have been far too big for my space and requirements!

It was a real arse to set up... untill i realised that I was just being really thick and noticed that the Zip goes all the way around the back and you just have to build the frame, place it in the base and pull the tent over!:confused:

What a fantastic tool - hardly worth messing about with trying to seal and put reflective material inside a closet - just buy one of these and put it inside your closet! CFLs only though.

I only needed 1/2 the height of the tent for vegging so I placed a table inside giving me upto 3ft for vegging plus some storage space below for premixed nutes etc.

I FIMmed my NL cuttings - i think! never done it before but followed advice on this site. And then placed them in the new tent under the 125w cfl. No heater, no fans, 26C, 65%RH. 25% Hesisoil TNT. Lower leaf tips started to yellow so watered Epsom Salts @15.5g/2L... looking ok now.

OOPS... Getting off the Skunk#1 thread, but helping to set up the veg tent before the Skunk are ready to move on.

In the flower closet... the single NL plant (no topping) seems to be maturing very slowly! 78 days now!
Not entirely true... the lower (early) buds seem to have stopped matureing, but the buds in the top half of the plant are filling out nicely to catch up! Still on full rate Hesi Bloom & Phosphrous plus... will begin to drop rates soon. T-26C H-36%RH.

A few brown threads on the lower buds... but prob at least a week or two to go.:cry:

Pic1 - FIMmed NL. Pic2 - Growtent. Pic3 - Growtent open. Pic4 - NL in growtent.


Mr Minger

Active Member

11 days from breaking the soil...

I started to give them 25% hesi TNT a few days back as they were begining to yellow.

I repotted 3 plants today and watered the soil with 'Murphy SPT' (a magnesium, Iron and mangannese treatment).

They are looking a bit over watered at the mo (leaves curling under)... when the soil dries out I will begin full rate Hesi TNT.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mr. Minger great journal so far. Its been a while since your last update so I thought I would check in with your grow. How are they doing so far? Skunk #1 is one of my favorite! Its easy to maintane and a high yeilder. Ill bet they are exploding with growth at this point. Are you still using the 125w cfl or have you switched to the 250w hps?Have you thought about flowering yet? Keep up with the pics and more people will get involved. Good luck +rep

Mr Minger

Active Member
Sorry bigtomatofarmer and all.

Like most, twas 1st week back at work after holidays... and not the best start to the working year!

Anyway... the plants are still in the grow tent, giving them full rate Hesi TNT now & 24hrs light.

They seem to have suddenly grown like hell (i.e. in the last 3 days). Dunno why, it has been freezing here and no heater in tent so could have dropped to 15c).

Also big roots are coming through the bottom of the pot!

I have never had that much root growth at this stage before... not sure if it is the strain or the light (under 250MH before).

I realy need to repot... think I may top them first. Though I tried to FIM a couple of Northerlights cuttings and they have just gone a bit weired! I.e. odd shaped leaves and strange flowers.

I have a Northernlights flowering at the mo but it is too tall and I can't get it to finishing flowering, just realy slow to finish. So I will prob top to keep the Skunk plants low and most of the leafs near the light..

