six questions


Active Member
If you can answer these foolish questions without chastising me you will be ordained a highlander.

!. what is the white dust, blackish and greenish dark spots on the top of my rockwool cube? Im guessin the greenblack shit is mold but the white dust is throwin me. Maybe salt deposit? Should I cover the cube from light?

2. Is my ppm raising due to evaporation, whats a good ppm? I was at 1150 and its now 1450.

3. is it normal for your reservoir to get coated in sediment? Im guessing a combo of nutes and clay pellet residue. Its really coated though and its been 5 days.

4. New growth just got super skinny and a little deformed. Lets play name that deficiency!

5. I using a drip set up. Any suggestions on cycle times? Like 15 min every six hrs or leave it on all the time. I know every plant different but I just kinda want a starting point.

6. Do you dry off your Hanna ec/ph or just put the cap back on wet? Its fucking water proof!