Single Tree CFL Grow Cabinet


Well-Known Member
I grow one plant at a time and am planning to run grows sort of continuously. There may be a few weeks between grows, or possibly a month, but I will be always growing something.


The above is a picture of the perimeter of the cabinet. It is clad in pine beadboard with the front being a door that opens from top to bottom. Light switch is for the lights in this basement room.

There are four levels in this cabinet. The bottom is just for storage. The upper bay (see image below) is where some of the extraction hardware is mounted along with a four-plug outlet (dedicated to this operation with dedicated 15 amp breaker [way overkill]) into which all of the electricals for this cabinet run. As you can see, the timer failed in the middle of this grow and I had to quickly get a replacement which is laying down alongside the mounted timer. There is a bathroom fan mounted in the back area to the left, which runs into an additional extractor in the middle area and then into a charcoal filter I created based on designs found on this great forum.


The middle bay (just above the grow area) is actually just the upper grow area as the shelf that you see in the image below can be moved up and down in the grow area to get the upper lights appropriately set. This shelf is reaching the limit of the cabinet. I was planning to cut a hole in the bottom of the grow area into which I could insert the 5-gallon planter but, thankfully, I didn't have to do it as this tree is nearly ready to pop.


In the image above you can see a power strip in the back where no switched items are plugged in. These would be items like the fan that are not to be turned off at beddy-bye time. The power strip in the middle front is timer switched and all lights and such are plugged in here. You can also see in the image above some pulleys and a rope attached to the middle of the moveable shelf. This is to tie off the shelf when it is time to move it up or down. With some effort, it can be rolled up to a post above where the clips will be inserted in the side walls to raise the shelf. The reason for the pulley is to safeguard the investment in both tree and light. Losing a grip on the shelf could be costly. No, I did not have to have this happen to me to get this safeguard built.

From the above image you can also see the holes where four lights are dropped down to give light around the tree. These light are clamped above a square piece of wood with a round plug that keeps the light cord in place and makes for a sturdy method of keeping the lights where they need to be. The rear two lights are set lower than the two front lights. And, the two right lights are a few inches out of whack with each other. The two lights in front, which are at a higher level than the two rear lights, are also set a few inches out of whack. Reason is that I am home a lot as my business is here. I can turn the plant regularly and thus having all of the side lights at different levels is helpful.


The above image is of the grow area right up to the lip of the moveable shelf as discussed about. There are eight sockets on the boards (two in each area of the 'cross' members. This might be difficult to visualize. The shelf has four large holes that a socketed line can be dropped through to give additional light around the outside of the plant which sits in the middle of the cabinet on the dirty tray you see in the picture.


This cabinet doesn't get excessively hot. The tree can approach touching the cross member before having to raise the shelf. A fan is located in the back left corner, on a pulley so that it can be raised and lowered.

There is a heater in the back right corner that is plugged into a special electrical outlet that is switched through a simple wall thermostat. There will be an image below showing that.


The above image is here to just give a better view of the underside of the moveable light shelf.


Not sure what she is. This was a free seed with the designation (in hand writing on cardboard) of what looks like P.A.C., could be P.A.L. or even D.A.C or D.A.L. If anyone knows what this might be, I'd grateful. This tree was not clipped. I allowed her to just do her thing. Came out rather nice.


The heater outlet. The outlet where the heater is plugged in is running through the thermostat directly above the outlet. Simple enough to wire and gives a baseline temperature that does not waiver. Never drops below 67 degrees F.

Anyway, sorry about the length of this. I hope this is useful.