Single leaves - Pics - please help


Active Member
Hello, and thank you in advance for any help. First I will start off with a little background.

I am using Fox Farm Nutes in Hempy with a PH of about 6.0 - 6.2 with PPM about 900 - 1200 for veg, 1100 - 1700 for flower ( or whatever the plant wants) I use fluoros for veg and a 600w hps for flower.

I cloned a B52 about 4-5 weeks into flower about 5 weeks ago. I pulled 4 clones - two each off of the two phenos I had. The other three clones I pulled at the same time as this one either was growing too slow and I pulled them, or they died.

This clone started out a bit slow with the amount of leaves it had when I took the cutting from Mom, but the new leaves that came out went immediately to three fingers and then to one (makes me wonder which finger it is holding up for me). If I saw this plant out in the garden the first thing that would come to my mind is that it is a weed and I would pull it. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with this plant?

I am not sure whether to pull it or to maybe try to breed with it and maybe get something unusual....or....?

Thank you very much for your help, any thoughts and comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
i am lead to believe that when you take a clone when in flowering the plant will do funny things like grow 3 bladed then 1 bladed leaves.

Give it some care and attention and be gentle with lighting until it comes back.



Well-Known Member
when u taKe clones from flowering plant they have to reveg and they do funny shit like that all my clones that i have taken grow single leaves for a couple weeks while the hormones are changing...IMO


Active Member
Thank you for the replies Jondamon and Blaze1camp :mrgreen:

It has been about a month or a bit longer this thing has been doing this, it would be cool if it starts growing new leaves with more than one finger. It has been growing new branches and all of them have been with only one leaf too. Sure looks funny, but MAN does that little girl have some skunky odor. All of the other B52's including the mothers didn't have hardly any odor but this one sure has hairs and calyx's up and down the main stem and looks like it really wants to go into flower.

Does anyone know if it would be good breeding stock or ...?

Appreciate your help :)


Active Member
Wow, that is awesome Denofearth69. If you wouldn't mind a couple questions, how long did it take before it took off with decent growth, how many leaves does it have now, and if you are into breeding would you consider that plant to be better breeding stock, worse, or it really probably wouldn't effect the potency for better or worse?

Thanks for your reply :)


Active Member
hey there, well i also had one and if youre asking me i would pull it. I grew it and nothing changed the leaves stayed like that, single leaf, i got bud from it but it was supper fluffy, not worth the time and energy to grow it. thats just me, but you might be lucky like Denofearth69 and grow a beast. Either way good luck!