sick youngins, opinions welcome


New Member

I have joined this forum today in an attempt to get others insight as to what my clones may be experiencing right now. I had taken them about seven days ago, and after about two or three days they started showing poor signs such as yellowing and downward curling of leaves. Specs: 10 gallons of water, 50mL (5ml per gallon) Clonex Cloning Solution and 2 oz (1oz per 5gallons) Clearez. At first i thought it was simply an iron deficiency of some sort, but i really believe something else is going on here. Any thoughts as to what i can do to help them is appreciated.



Not sure about using your setup looks like you're using a hydro cloner? I use soil for my cuttings and its perfectly normal for plants to look a little sick during this phase, do they have roots yet?