sick plants


Thats what I was thinking looks like a nutrient lock problem. Adjust all watering to 7.0 in the jug. You want a high p ratio fertilizer and get plants on a schedule of 1 gallon of water every second day


Well-Known Member
i would work a little garden lime into the soil, and water it in. water when pots are really light. however long that takes. if you are using RO water add some Epsom salts to it. sure looks like it could be Mg def., but fix that ph, and let's re-evaluate.


Well-Known Member
was it on your to-do list?
i think you're acidic. i would sprinkle the soil with garden lime and gently water in. ph'ing your water will do nothing. buffer that soil a bit more, imo.


Well-Known Member
6.2-7.0........or somethin' like that. 6.8 is my fave. water when they are dry. plants don't have no watches or calendars. sometimes they drink a lot, sometimes not as much. when pot feels light......water. better to droop a tad from thirst, than to run cannabis wit wet feet........imo


Well-Known Member
always ph, and buffer your soil mix before grow. lime it well, and then if ya need to tune it down, ya do it with sulfur. don't over-do it with either. the middle road is the path enlightenment........and danky dank


I think the soil mix is wrong. Use 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of dirt and still adjust ph in water. I fill a 3 gallon container with half fox farm dirt and half vermiculite and add 1 tablespoon lime for every gallon. I use bat guano high in nitrogen during vegetation, and switch to buds well during budding I add these to my 2.5 gallon water jugs and rotate them so they are always room temp and always ph adjusted. Have been doing this for years and I achieve 5 lbs every 60 days with 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
right.....wrong.....its 6.0
looks like some o' dem nutes are jus' squeakin' by. closer to 7.0, and they will become more available. and like i said, if RO h2o is used....add Epsom, or a fert with a healthy dose of it.