Sick girl need help please


Well-Known Member
man i just checked on her
shes definetly gettting sicker
like almost gunna die

it gets 55 degrees at night by the closet so im guessing thats on of the main problems besides the soil

let me know asap if i can use that topsoil i wanna transplant her and hope she lives


Well-Known Member
anyone chime in ? i dont want my baby dieing i wanna clone her.
all the fan leaves went into shock over night it appears
I think i need to transplant and move to warmer place at night


Well-Known Member
well it looks like I can use topsoil with the perlite from what i found unless anyone knows something i dont im all ears
so ima transplant and move to 70 degree area at night as well


Well-Known Member
ohh and btw the weed did not smell at all, but when i pulled it out of the pot for transplant it smelled like mad chronic on the root ball system


Well-Known Member
Now what did you do to make it mad? What you've done should work. I have'nt reread the posts, but you said you wanted to clone her? In that case you could go to 24-0 on the lights to keep her warm enough. Talk nice to her..tell her you luv her say sweet things to her.


Well-Known Member
I didnt put here into 24 hr light.. I left it 12/12 since she allready has buds forming on her. and moved to a warmer spot....she didn't die overnight so so far so good


Well-Known Member
I cleaned my glasses and took a better look at your pic. She doesn't look on the way out, as a matter of fact, I've had a few that looked like that when they were thirsty..always perked up with a drink though. One thing I've done it to have a fan t the ceiling pointed down to even the temps out and it's made a BIG difference on my overall climate.


Well-Known Member
Still just looks like overwatering to me........ been thinkin that since the first pic....... but I guess if you have already tryed watering once every 5 days or so then I dont know....... GOOD LUCK WITH HER.....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Make sure water is pooling up at the bottom of the pot,, try to feel down to the bottom and see how the soil feels...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just though of something else..when you transplanted it, how tight were the roots. I've also seen that look on a root bound Mother.


Well-Known Member
the roots where all white and at the bottom of the bucket and seemed normal and smelled like super chronic. and the whole plant has had zero odor.
I made sure the water go all the way to the bottom.
and i never overwater I wait up to a week between watering if anything under watered it. I check 3 or 5 inches into the soil to make sure its dry


Well-Known Member
I cleaned my glasses and took a better look at your pic. She doesn't look on the way out, as a matter of fact, I've had a few that looked like that when they were thirsty..always perked up with a drink though. One thing I've done it to have a fan t the ceiling pointed down to even the temps out and it's made a BIG difference on my overall climate.
this is what i think i underwaterd it, the cool night temps, and some kind of nut lock out due to the weird soil i was useing.
eventhough i have 20 seedling that sprouted and look extremely healthy from the org soil But ill transplant those soon into diffrent soil and 3 gal containers


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm,,, very interesting......... I might have to consult my crystal ball on this one,,,,,,, maybe keep a psycic on retainer......:leaf:......


Well-Known Member
I started in soil, then switched to the Hempy Method 75% perlite 25% vermiculite. i find it to be more controllable for nutes and flushing and, after washing, can be reused. what flavor are they?