Shrubs Journal, Cindy, Toejam, Big Bud, God's Gift


Well-Known Member
i love seeing how other ppl set up there tents! :) good shit man!..i need to build me one of those table risers and get a 4x4 flood table! :)

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
i love seeing how other ppl set up there tents! :) good shit man!..i need to build me one of those table risers and get a 4x4 flood table! :)
Thanks, it makes everything so much easier, let gravity work my run off and all i gotta do is go outside and dump it on my outdoor plants.....

It also helps becuase the plants are all at waste high level and i don't have to bend
over or crouch to have a close up look see... It would also be easy to turn in to
ebb and flow which might happen in the future.


Well-Known Member
hey brother, i went to the shop today and the owner told me he doesnt stand by coco, just wanted to let you know. i think it's the kind of brand you use. he had some general hydroponic or hydrofarm band? i think the one you use is different. he showed me 2 plants grown at the same time one in Sunshine mix, and the other in coco, the sunshine mix plant was like 4 times bigger. i know your confident with your stuff, i just wanted to share with you this info! he also said that people that use Hygrozyme don't even know what it does. i said that i thought it made microorganisms in the soil thrive, he said to be honest, that hygrozyme kills the microorganisms.

i don't know what the truth is, but i feel if he just wanted to make a buck off of me, then he wouldve told me to get the coco and hygrozyme. a bottle was like $40. and the coco was three times as expensive as the sunshine mix.

in your defence, you have nothing to gain from youre advice given on this site, i just want you to know what some so cal hydro shop owners, guys that are 30yrs growing, old school growers. His perspective may be skewed, but maybe all of our opinions are. just something to chew on, i knew you'd get a kick out of it! hope everythings chill brother!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
hey brother, i went to the shop today and the owner told me he doesnt stand by coco, just wanted to let you know. i think it's the kind of brand you use. he had some general hydroponic or hydrofarm band? i think the one you use is different. he showed me 2 plants grown at the same time one in Sunshine mix, and the other in coco, the sunshine mix plant was like 4 times bigger. i know your confident with your stuff, i just wanted to share with you this info! he also said that people that use Hygrozyme don't even know what it does. i said that i thought it made microorganisms in the soil thrive, he said to be honest, that hygrozyme kills the microorganisms.

i don't know what the truth is, but i feel if he just wanted to make a buck off of me, then he wouldve told me to get the coco and hygrozyme. a bottle was like $40. and the coco was three times as expensive as the sunshine mix.

in your defence, you have nothing to gain from youre advice given on this site, i just want you to know what some so cal hydro shop owners, guys that are 30yrs growing, old school growers. His perspective may be skewed, but maybe all of our opinions are. just something to chew on, i knew you'd get a kick out of it! hope everythings chill brother!
Definitely an old-timer... It's all relative man, I can't knock any method of growing
compared to another, I think the coco is the best base medium out there.
There are plenty of university studies showing the effectiveness of coco as a
hydroponic medium.

The majority of "people" whom he is talking about probably don't know exactly what
Hygrozyme does... Honestly if he's saying that, he has no idea what it does and is only
generalizing..... But every single reputable nutrient company out there
sells their own version of it, SensiZyme (advanced), ProZyme (humboldt),
CannaZyme (canna), and even the researchers at Canna claim when they use
Hygrozyme in conjunction with their feeding schedule instead of their own CannaZyme, they get better results.
It's wicked stuff, it simply speeds up naturally occurring chemical reactions and
allows them to take place much more quickly.... And yes it is expensive which is
why I don't use it anymore than I need to. On my feed schedule it recommendds
up to 20 mL per gallon, I never go over 10 because it simply won't do anything more
to add more at that point, and it saves me a hell of a lot of money.

If he really wants to talk about a shady product let him hate on Superthrive, people
have no idea what that shit does, they just know it contains vitamin B-1 which is a
rooting hormone, yet I see people religiously adding a drop per gallon of that shit thinking
it is a miracle plant growth stimulant.

Grow store owners are just playing the market, they buy all there shit from
hydrofarm/sunlight supply, and you KNOW hydrofarm gives price cuts on
larger purchasing orders, and if they can make more money
selling Sunshine Mix they will push the hell out of it and say how shitty Coco
is.. I know the local grow store owners here in Colorado won't disagree with any
grow style, and when coco is brought up we all have nothing but good things to
say about it. It is different than soil and even other soil-less mediums though
so you gotta know what you're doing.. It wouldn't surprise me if his plant in
sunshine looked good and his coco one didn't, he is probably feeding the one in
coco the same feed schedule. I can't say that for sure, but in all likelyhood he
isn't the most experienced coco specialist ;-) do what you're comfortable with..
Me? Coco till I DIE!

By the way coco 3x more expensive than sunshine?? I pay $18.00 for a bag
of coco.... Pretty sure a bag of sunshine is around $40.00 although you
get more in a bag of sunshine... You're paying 2.67 per liter, and I'm paying

Also the Botanicare and Hydrofarm coco brands contain very high amounts of salts
and must be flushed 3-4 times before use because of high levels of sodium... Canna
coco comes with an extremely low EC, so low that flushing isn't necessary, that is an
advantage which I will definitely stand by.

Everythings good here, i sold some herb to a local dispensery with a real
reputable owner, she has grown for High Times and the likes, and she was
thrilled to buy the herb, I can't wait to bring her some more... Makes me feel
great to be making a living off of this amazing hobby. And it makes me feel great
to have her call me and ask me when I'll be able to get her more! I'll hollar at you later...

Peace and respect


Well-Known Member
Definitely an old-timer... It's all relative man, I can't knock any method of growing
compared to another....

I'll hollar at you later...

Peace and respect
i knew you wouldn't take it the wrong way bro, that's why i respect you shrubs! basically you cleared it up for me, completely. i feel like you grow the way any cannabus lover would dream of growing. hi class in every definition. my hydro store guy also told me to never fimm, or top, of trim! i hear you on these shop owners being puppets for hydro farm, etc! totally makes sense.

i like that quote on superthirve! im one of those people! funny, i dont take offence. my goal was to grow as simple as i can, with as little hiccups as possible. i always check your thread to admire, and learn! i worship your grows bro, scribed for life!

props on the high regards to your herb, im sure its very rewarding. good for you on being in a great place, and a great state! ill be there on your next grow, asking dumb questions, maybe one day i can be there to help you too! well see!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
No doubt... Hey yall, sorry I didnt really finish up the journal, I don't
have a good enough camera to take some close up bud shots, and in
all honesty the dispenseries bought my nugs the SAME DAY as I trimmed
them so I didnt really think about taking a harvest picture.... Total weight
came out to about 13 oz dried, so it was definitely on the low side, about 3/4's
oz per plant, so a great deal of room for improvement, I'm tryin to hit that
1.5-2 oz per plant......

Some pics from harvest day...

Definitely check next journal..


Nice Job Brother. I have a Grow Lab similiar to yours but a little larger. It's 10'x10'x6.7'. I run it with 4 600's Sun Light Systems. It works great but I'm ready to bounce over to the new LED's that I have personally witnessed my self that work absolutely AWESOME!!! They r high intensity to the max and put just the right spectrum thats needed in all phases of the cycle. They save you a bucket load of money even though the LED's r quite exspensive but they pay for them selves in 3 electric bills,ayeeeee. Soon I'll b going LED as I hope many will follow. And lets not forget the dreaded heat we indoor growers suffer with. Well my friend, LED's emit very little heat at all. So that saves alot of unessasary blowers, chillers, and fans to need to cool your room. So theres some more big $$$$$'s saved there. (= But soon my friend. I will post pix and journals of my first indoor growing operation and from there we will share advice and friendship as a fellow grower as our selves. Untill then. Keep up the good work by keeping this great planet of ours and the people on it, Happy and Balanced.


Nice Job Brother. I have a Grow Lab similiar to yours but a little larger. It's 10'x10'x6.7'. I run it with 4 600's Sun Light Systems. It works great but I'm ready to bounce over to the new LED's that I have personally witnessed my self that work absolutely AWESOME!!! They r high intensity to the max and put just the right spectrum thats needed in all phases of the cycle. They save you a bucket load of money even though the LED's r quite exspensive but they pay for them selves in 3 electric bills,ayeeeee. Soon I'll b going LED as I hope many will follow. And lets not forget the dreaded heat we indoor growers suffer with. Well my friend, LED's emit very little heat at all. So that saves alot of unessasary blowers, chillers, and fans to need to cool your room. So theres some more big $$$$$'s saved there. (= But soon my friend. I will post pix and journals of my first indoor growing operation and from there we will share advice and friendship as a fellow grower as our selves. Untill then. Keep up the good work by keeping this great planet of ours and the people on it, Happy and Balanced.
This should be in the "golden journal" category as I read the whole fucking thread.. Took me about 1.5 hours! Your journal was very direct, detailed, informative and question friendly. All the propertys I wanna see in a superb grow-journal. Only thing I know you can improve from personal experience is getting a better camera :P. I have a question for you though:

How come you didn't do any FIM, topping, scrog, CCOB(would like to see you try this) when you were aiming for 1.5-2.0 oz/plant?

Keep up the good work!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
This should be in the "golden journal" category as I read the whole fucking thread.. Took me about 1.5 hours! Your journal was very direct, detailed, informative and question friendly. All the propertys I wanna see in a superb grow-journal. Only thing I know you can improve from personal experience is getting a better camera :P. I have a question for you though:

How come you didn't do any FIM, topping, scrog, CCOB(would like to see you try this) when you were aiming for 1.5-2.0 oz/plant?

Keep up the good work!

Ya know i don't quite recall what the deal was... I think i may have topped a couple of the widdows
and maybe the Purp strain, but I recall half of the cuttings being slightly malnutritioned throughout
the first few weeks of veg which may have made me second guess it..

Appreciate the kind words, check out the new grow show, its really coming along.