shrooms stronger than cid?


Well-Known Member
Ya I remember once making my own blotts from liquid cid .. Fuck what a mistake.. we didn't take the proper precautions and handled everything waaaaaaaaay to much and
voila.. off to OZ. We walked to a SOMA concert some 15 miles away down some dark country road. Holy shit cows called our names, dogs spoke weird languages plus on top of that freakout we got there just in time for the last song..:(:(:( and then had to walk back because nobody wanted to give 4 laughing jackasses a ride in their cars....
Good times Good times


Well-Known Member
:joint::joint::mrgreen:everyones different some people like acid more than shrooms but i think its because of the body fry i never fell like that on shrroooms stayy hgihgihghghgh


Well-Known Member
Ya acid you had to do when you were in a good mood or " look out " Shrooms on the other hand can help w/ bad moods and good giggle potiental.. But I still love my reefer with a couple of frosties. but I'm as old as dirt & can't be hiding around corners til the laughing stops so I can't do the basic like going in public, shopping trying to find my car in stupid 1,000 car lot ( definately ) not a stoner place, sheeech Who the fuck loses a YELLOW maverick. Stoned girlfriend : Then there's the time she thought she'dput love's lemon spray all over my nuts & said ... " baby I thought you liked the smell of my cologne " She was right, after my skin grew back I still liked the smell... So the next time I sprayed it on her ass... :o Now she's back to Ivory Soap. Talk about a flaming red eye


Active Member
They really are just very different trips. As others have said, ounce for ounce (and lord help you if you dose an ounce) LSD is the most psychoactive drug in existence. Threshold effects are measured in micrograms. However, that doesn't really mean much from a practical standpoint.

For me, acid is a much clearer, more intelligent trip. You perceive the world in entirely different ways, but maintain the capacity to analyze what you are perceiving, even if you cannot properly express yourself. There's a definite connectedness and a sense of "meta-" if that makes any sense. Bad trips are rare, and almost always a product of you being in a mental state that does not jive with your environment. If you are mentally and emotionally comfortable, you will have a good trip, I guarantee it.

Mushrooms, on the other hand, are confusing as fuck. You will walk around in a daze for your entire trip. You will be entranced by shiny things and colors will look fucking awesome. Be careful though, it's easy for a mushroom trip to go south and you will definitely have less control than with acid.