Shroom prices??


Well-Known Member
Keyboard warrior. That's some funny shit.

Not true. If you are on probation because of magic mushrooms, they test for it. If your have a government job, at the federal level, they give some of the most extended screens ever. People do get tested, It's just not on the standard panel, and not on most of the extended panels. It's also only detectable for like 2 days tops.
thought it only had half life of 6 hours, basically the same six hours your tripping, this is not true??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just ordered a couple spore prints of and waiting for them to arrive. Like marijuana I plan to grow it but not take it, instead I wish to sell and that's all. So could anyone give me a rough guess on what I could sell each shroom at?? I'm not looking for an enzact some but just an in-between of two prices, thanx guys.
quarter for fifty, half for 75, ounce for 100, buddy prices.

other wise its, quarter for 55, half for 90, and 135 for an ounce..


Well-Known Member
In my experience, tea comes on hard and fast, but has a shorter duration, normaly around 4 hours your plane touches down again.

P.S. although I am aware,that they CAN test for it, I stick to my point that it is HIGHLY unlikely that you would be tested for shrooms in standard tests without some actual history or record involving psycedelics.