Show Me What You Got LST?


Well-Known Member
Yes the leaves are VERY green. Much darker than they look while theyre sittin under the light.
Before yesterday, the leaves were nice and flat, but I heavily watered them with nutes yesterday because they went without water all weekend (outta town). A lot of the lower fan leaves actually died, so I just pulled them all off. For flowering, Ive been using Tiger and Big bloom, and actually keeping the doses less than what Fox Farm recommends.
Ive been thinking of doing a little flush of the soil and get them back on the nutes tomorrow. You think that would help?
no flush needed. when they need water next just use plain water with nothing added so they use up some of that xtra nutes, and then start them back on a feed schedule.
also nine quarts is only about 2 gallons plus an xtra quart and your are not all the way full so i am guessing their is a gallon and a half of dirt in theri. when i was doing in door i would use no smaller then 3 gal and no bigger then 5 for flower. i flowered under 1 600 as well.
if your lights are smaller and less watts that usally means smaller plants witch would mean smaller pots witch is ok

I wonder if an LST ever went to flowering and since its bent so much like that, that it SNAPPED the main stem as it grew fatter.. that would HELLA suck... any of this happen to anyone who didnt add a support to it.
havent had them snap but im sure it has happened, i have had mine start to bend down very far so i had to tie them up and im sure eventually they would have broke. if the plant is healthy and grown right it should be able to support its self for the most part


Well-Known Member
I would say you are spot on about the amount of dirt soil im using. The pots are about 2/3 full.
Im using a 400 hps as my main light. Then I have 6- 23w cfl and 1-55w cfl for supplemental. Thanks for the feedback Mac P.


Well-Known Member
I would say you are spot on about the amount of dirt soil im using. The pots are about 2/3 full.
Im using a 400 hps as my main light. Then I have 6- 23w cfl and 1-55w cfl for supplemental. Thanks for the feedback Mac P.
Coco, my 2 1/2 cents on your plants is that I would flush the shit out of them, I would pH plain tap water to 6.0 and flush 3 times the size of your container. Then when they are ready for another feeding, go with 1 tsp of TB, and 1 tblsp BB and I would also go 1 tsp of whatever Micro Nute you are using and mix into a 1 gallon of water and pH that to 6.5. I use Fox Farms Lineup as well. Earthjuice Micro Blast for my micro nute!

I say flush cause when you do it with 5.8-6.0pH it will shut down the plants system and put them to sleep, after a day they will wake up and wicker the shit out of the soil to get all the water out hence wickering the extra "N" as well.

I flush my plants every single feeding, and I am telling you if you flush them with 5.8-6.0pH water you will notice a big difference in a matter of 2 days. Make it Rain on them and they will be back on track before you know it. I am sure the are others on here that Make it Rain can say that this will work and it will also give your plant and the soil a clean slate. Hope that helps bro and good luck!

Last but not least....DONT TRANSPLANT THEM AT ALL DURING will change its focus on establishing roots and not budsites.




Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the feedback. Heres what Im gonna do:
Im gonna feed today with 2 gallons of clean tap water. I havent PH'd up to this point, so Ill just keep ghetto in that respect.
Then, tomorrow, I will get them back on the feeding schedule by giving them a 50% of the recommended dose.
After that, I will give nutes every other feeding at full strength. I dont have micro nutes, so Ill just be using the FF bloom duo.


Well-Known Member
try it this one time, you wont regret it bro, trust me on this one! Ph your water to at least 6.0

MCP here is my new LST project, I posted on here before so here is a quick update:

Venom OG Kush (Flowering Day 9)

5 gallon Billcollector99 Smart Pot, Fox Farms Soil and Nutes. This is the largest container I have ever grown out of with soil! She is going to be a monster. Coco, I flush this plant with 10 gallons of 5.8 pH water every time I feed her......I had to re=arrange here tie downs cause she wont fit in my bathtub for flushing. She was more spread out but now I gave up some slack with the ties. I need more room to grow...LOL


Here is my Jack Herer that is Root Bound but the budsite are developing nicely. I figure I post a pic of a root bound plant for Coco. It has not been LST'd at all just a Uncle Ben Topping. I messed up cause I wasnt thinking it was going to get this big after I topped her. Lesson learned but at least a root bound plants buds still going strong.

Jack Herer (1 gallon pot)


Sorry I havent posted much on in awhile but been really busy with work. Trying to save up to move this summer into a bigger place. Have a good one fellas!




RIU Bulldog
Hey yall, here are some clones I have topped and LST'd three times. What can I say? They enjoy bondage and pain. Check out my chopstick
I took cuttings today and they'll be going into flower within the next week or two after transplanting.


Well-Known Member
Looking tight Bek. Could I just use some distilled vinegar to PH down?
Not sure, but it doesnt hurt to pour water in a cup and drop some vinegar in it and check the pH to see if it lowers it. I would look on google for things around the house to use to lower your pH. I buy pH down form a local farmers nursey here, they make it themselves and sell it for 5 buck for 32 oz. I am sure someone on here can help out with what you can use to pH your water.

I will hit you guys up later, gotta run back to work, lunch is over! LOL




Well-Known Member
Not sure, but it doesnt hurt to pour water in a cup and drop some vinegar in it and check the pH to see if it lowers it. I would look on google for things around the house to use to lower your pH. I buy pH down form a local farmers nursey here, they make it themselves and sell it for 5 buck for 32 oz. I am sure someone on here can help out with what you can use to pH your water.

I will hit you guys up later, gotta run back to work, lunch is over! LOL



aw god dam it! i got fuckin ripped again

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
I know I have to get some pic's up but I have a Blue Cheese from seed in the flowering room. I just cut her loose this morning. It looks pretty popcorn-y, but it's only on day 25 so it's anybody's guess. The other Blue Cheeses we have are going to be monsters. :P


Well-Known Member
McP and Bek, thanks for the advice. Its been 2 days on just water for these and they look better already.
Gonna get em back on the nute schedule tomorrow. And then feed every other watering. Thanks guys.
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The tall one

The short one


Well-Known Member
glad we were of help to you.

and imo i think water feed water feed water feed ect... is the best route to go


Well-Known Member
Unless you water and feed every time ;)

I'm telling you... Making it Rain really works!!!!
true, ive seen riddleme work and others grows using his method but to me it seems like more work for not much of a difference, i have not done it my self so i cant really say to much about it though.


Well-Known Member
Coco if you follow exactly what I wrote earlier about pH-ing your water and how much to use and feed what I recommended, thats "Making it Rain" that way you give your soil a clean slate and can feed and monitor feeding dosages. IMO there is no better way to water while growing in soil. There is a lot of people feeding their plants this way and as well as modifying RM3 original method. Read his thread and you will learn tons, might take a couple of months but I read through his whole entire thread.

Valle, good looking on posting the thread!

I just made it rain on my Venom OG Kush, she is all droopy looking now but will perk up tomorrow and I will post pics of her perking....LOL Hope everyone has a great weekend!

