Should I Use This Detox for a UA?


Well-Known Member
So your saying that stuff will give a little high and wont show up on a pee test?
no not high

CBDs are the medical side of weed .......the government has not classifed them as anything back like THC they are still 100% l;egal

ppl are dumb ppl cheap bastards ......the drugs look for cannabinoids (cbd is legal cannabinoid) it will make their drug test be possitive but it is a false possitive (it acts like THC and stored in your system)


Lol Yeah certo pectin is your best friend. Unless it's a hair test. Then you're fucked. lol
Certo Pectin?..may be that's like the same kinnah this stuff is called CertoClear and its a fukin godsend.

Please tell me that's a true story. I need to believe in something. xD
Tell me about it, I must have told that whole story like 20x yesterday, Its the funniest thing ever, Thank god that stuff worked. My girl has been trying to get me to stop smoking for ever, if I lost this gig she would have killed me

Anybody every try test clear's powder urine?
I always thought about those, but I don't think I'm slick enough to pull it off. Plus with my situation, I kind of have to be ready to take a pee test at any time and that seems like too much work.

Woohoo! Toke up. You made it. :P
I'm High Right Now!!!!, back to my usual routine, Wake, Bake, stop for a bagel and Shake, and go to work....Everything is so much better when you start the day right! Yesterday I was so paranoid I didn't toke up in the am...boring!


New Member
Thanks, this certoclear worked for me on a Pre-employment screening.
A friend has to take a pee test for probation, I told him to go with this this stuff, but was wondering if anyone tried it for a probation UA