should I transplant?


Active Member
I recently posted a ? whether or not I am outgroing the pots I am in, Everyone seems in consensus that I need bigger pots. My Question is it safe to transplant my plants which are like 16" tall now? If so how do I do it...? should I pull out the plants and do it like seedling transplant or cut the pot and try to keep the rootball together? or just leave them alone altogether.. I don,t want to shock them and possibly kill them.. Please advise . I dont want to wait to long... THANKS


Well-Known Member
transplant like you would a seedling.. try to keep root ball in tact.. less damage = less stress.. water using something that inhibits effects of transplant shock... and you will be ok.. your plants are tall enough and old enough that it would take a lot more than transplanting them to kill them...


Well-Known Member
Yeah what simpson says. Marijuna is a forgiving plant. Might take a day or so for her to resume growing but she will be oh so thankful.


Well-Known Member
your plants are pretty tall and you dont want to stress them too many time with transplanting. So you should go with the final size pot.

you want to keep the root ball intact and water throughly afterwards for a good transplant.

i personally transplant right before night time for them to rest and be less stress.