Should i flip them today? SCROG


Well-Known Member
canopy looks pretty much full on the left but on the right there's still more space should i just flip them anyway?

2.4 by 1.2 tent with 1200watt 8 plant scrog in Soil been exactly 5 weeks today.



Well-Known Member
Come onn people what's a Geeza Gota do for a bit of advice on hearr lol your opinions mean a lot to mee comment please


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree, depending on the stretch of that strain you might be in for a jungle!I think typically scrogs get flipped at about 80% coverage with most strains to acount for the stretch.


Well-Known Member
Will doo today after workk can't wait I hate the vegging stage seems to just drag lol thanks for the comments though much appreshiated :)


Well-Known Member
Thats why I don't really veg plants. I run a SOG with single cola plants and they might sit for a week or 2 under my floros but I don't actively veg them. I take clones and once they root they go into cups for as I said a week or 2 where they mostly build roots until there is room in my flood tray for them. They typically grow to between 20-30 inchs and yield about 20-25g each on average. I'm able to grow about 40 plants under one 1000w in a 4x4 tray.


Well-Known Member
Thats why I don't really veg plants. I run a SOG with single cola plants and they might sit for a week or 2 under my floros but I don't actively veg them. I take clones and once they root they go into cups for as I said a week or 2 where they mostly build roots until there is room in my flood tray for them. They typically grow to between 20-30 inchs and yield about 20-25g each on average. I'm able to grow about 40 plants under one 1000w in a 4x4 tray.
SOG is where its at :D Once you've got your mothers and can take clones every 2 weeks then it's perpetual time ;)


Well-Known Member
Ya I decided this was how I was gonna try hydro, and I know there are tons of great options out there, but this really works well for me, and I don't spend time or money on vegging which appeals to me. I have really considered trying the stink bud growing method, just honestly didn't have the desire to DIY something, or deal with all the pumps and timers for a system like that.


Well-Known Member
U will be fine u will have a thick canopy I suggest u chop.all the.lower growth below the screen maybe chop the week shoots out and focus on everything above the screen but defiantly keep under the screen trimmed up there's no point in anything below the screen there wnt be any light reaching it


Well-Known Member
Flipped them last night also put in 2 lemons to determin sex :) and yeaYeah planning to trim the bottoms on day 7 flowering. I would have done sog but I didn't have enough cuttings but the next one will definetly be sog because I can't stand veg its a pain in the arse lol and as for the stretch I've grown this strain before so the stretch shouldn't be that bad nodes are tightly packed.

thanks for the comments again guys. What average yeild should I be expecting in ounces? Should I get extra c02 in the room I've got a extractor fan sucking at 1200 cubic meture per hour with a filter to match, the temps Never go a over 28 but I'm extracting in the place aswell not outside and I haven't got inlet of fresh air because I though 400cm2 would be perfectly enough for each 600 watt hps will this be a problem and effect yield ?


Well-Known Member
Your going to have a great time with it, they are ready. Don't worry about space just thin out some of the shade leaves at week 2 an 4 to expose more buds. Scrog is epic an yours is gonna be a good one