Shoul i get banned for posting a video of my ex masterbating in my grow room?

to post or not to post?

  • yes

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • no

    Votes: 24 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Medical Marijuana (MOD)
we all would probley love to see that but rules are rules and yes you well get ban. put it on youtube and link it


Well-Known Member
If thats your ex in your avatar then put it on redtube and link i spose, if you are the one in your avatar then no nobody wants to see some dude workin it lol.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell where have you been. 2days day and age you can go down on your girl and have a camera in your filling. LOL they don't have to no notin


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just rember the trouble you would be in for if you did. they could have your ass for posting a video without their consent


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure there is a law that states the consent is given prior to filming and what you film is your intellectual property.


Well-Known Member
yeah i don't know she was all into the photo's and filming.I have a ton of i was in college i hid a camera in my entertainment center in my bedroom and filmed alot of 10 of us guys had this game that we ran for six months.We each put in 50 bucks and we put all our names on a chalk board.we developed a points sytem for different things we were able to do with women and then we wrote their name on the board and wrote out what we got from them.But the king daddy was the tag and bag which involved proof as in video.So we all had video cameras.This one girl 8 out of ten of us had a tag and bag with didn't win came in second.The funniest thing was when the girls came over and were like ummm...why they hell is our name on a chalk board with abbreviations next to it.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this is true but not to be aired over the internet. you have to have their written permission. just don't want to see any one get in trouble
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