Shiva Shanti - Any tips?


Active Member
Just started my first grow with CFL's after a very mellow trip over to Amsterdam.

I literally stumbled into Sensi Seeds and got myself a pack of Shiva Shanti as it seems like a newby friendly strain.

Any of you got any tips on what to look out for or any additional info on the strain itself?




Well-Known Member
I can tell you this, if you can grow one strain (whatever it is) from start to finish and with relatively little problem, you will be able to grow any strain. It's not really like you have to do anything special with chemicals or ferts for any particular strain. I've grown everything from Mexican to Jamaican to Schwag bagseed to Killer Nugs The only thing I would consider is if it's Sativaish, then make sure you have enough room for the plant to grow once its flowering.


Active Member
Cheers mate!

I've got a full built-in cupboard set aside just for growing!

Can't wait to get things started for real - I had a trial run with some hemp (from wild bird seed) without any problem - and I'm hoping to get some good smoke when she's ready.

I've got 7 seedlings on the go just now and just about to move them onto their final grow pots.

I might even get a journal started!



Well-Known Member
Cheers mate!

I've got a full built-in cupboard set aside just for growing!

Can't wait to get things started for real - I had a trial run with some hemp (from wild bird seed) without any problem - and I'm hoping to get some good smoke when she's ready.

I've got 7 seedlings on the go just now and just about to move them onto their final grow pots.

I might even get a journal started!

You should do a journal. They're really fun t do and then you can go back and watch how fast the plant grew. You'll be amazed.
i'm growing my fist one she's beem flowering for 9 weaks and stil full of white hairs
is it normal i' new at growing in doors but ive grow mango early bud, white widow. amnesia and none toke so long to be mature
i have done some cutings but i'm thinking on giving theme cose i have a small space to have a plante soo long
i wod apreciet some hellp