shit my niggas


Active Member
so i posted before about how my plant was getting yellow leaves on the bottom and someone said it was fine as long as it doesnt spread upwards. well now it is spreading and i need help and quick. how do i stop this spreading of leaves turning yellow?


Well-Known Member
that sounds like nitrogen deficiency, give it a fert with a high N level. If your using miracle grow or any other commercial ferts use it at half strength or less so as not to burn it.


Well-Known Member
if they r just turnin yellow this is a lack of nitrogen most probably if they r shrivling up as well this is to much fertiliser.


Active Member
yea it isnt shriveling and i havent been giving them fertilizers at all. i did once and they bounced up almost a foot in a week. haha so i will give them some high n fertilizers. will this change them back to green or will they stay yellow. and if so should i trim them off?


Active Member
more probs,

There is this awesome grow guide on available online with streaming video and its got all these growing troubleshooting tips on indoor growing and everything you need from seeding to harvesting.

i def reccomend it for indoor growing . it even teaches you everything you need to buy and how to assemble this awesome grow room.




Active Member
ok. thank you so much everyone. as you can see i am a bit of a noob. im trying to grow like the best of them. im gonna put up pics soon. once again thanks everyone! peace