She's Dieing:(


Active Member ( pic)

I flipped to flower, lights off from 9 am to 9 pm and on for the night.....well even with lights off an new ac on all day! the cab hit 89 and I cam home to my babies drooping like that.......does it look like heat stress? will she survive? what do i do?


Well-Known Member
89F shouldnt stress it, my temps get to 93 sometimes and my plants dont even notice it. maybe over watering?


Active Member
well here is the situation, I got root I hit them with bayer and then 5 days later i hit them again with bayer and specracide.....just to be sure before I hope into flower pretty good flush each time.

The soil was actually very dry tonight, so I hit them again with just ph'd water ( no nutes) hoping its not OVER watering. could it be under watering? or stress from the pescticide?

the last water before tonight was about 3-4 days ago.


Active Member
Thats not even that bad. SWIMS plants get up to 95 inside and are plenty happy. I've never heard of root aphids.