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I think the internet makes growing a little easier. Not only can we share information clear across the world but those of us who grow in secrecy have people to talk to. When there's nobody else to turn to, there's always places like these.

Anyways, a little about myself. I want to start a grow-op for a couple reasons. One is that the nine to five isn't cutting it and finding a second legal job is a bitch. Though quite ambitious, it would be nice to sustain my lifestyle by growing alone. It would be a far more fun job than breaking my back everyday. Two, I have always loved science. The applied chemistry and biology of botany is a new endeavor for me that I find incredibly interesting. Another reason is that I have a little debt that needs to be taken care of. Plus some folding money and savings would be nice.

I'm sure most don't really care about a life story, but again, there's nobody else for me to turn to. I can't tell family, friends or lovers without jeopardizing their livelihoods.

My short term goal is to start a small grow-op and get the basics down. With a small bankroll, start a larger grow room and start paying on my debts as well as build capital for growing. Then I once I have room to spend I would like to make a separate op for experiments. Breeding, playing with light set ups, nutes, watering, temps, atmosphere, etc.

Eventually I want to be a major supplier for my area. As a long-time smoker I have noticed that there is an inconstant quality here. Reggie varies, Kush varies and overall one doesn't really get their money's worth.

So that's me and what I want to do here in a nutshell. If you read it all, thanks.


Active Member
Dude- don't feel bad about a "life story". This forum is just about the only way I can keep my sanity. I don't get a chance to talk about my experiences, but RIU gives me, and many others, a way to do this without being worried about Johnny Law stopping by to take what isn't his. Getting going will take an up-front investment, but don't be afraid to look into some do-it-yourself options to save some money. Biggest investment you should start with is lighting and cooling. If I were you, I would go with hydro, but that's because I did. It is a fun "hobby" to get into, but it is very addicting- much more so than smoking is, believe it or not. Good luck with your endeavour, and welcome to RIU!


Thanks man. I'm still in the early research period. It will probably be another month or so before plant the first seeds. Capital to raise, alibis to construct, supplies to gather, and things to learn.


Well-Known Member
It'll be extremely difficult to grow marijuana as yours primary means of income, but it is not impossible...
And like HomeGrowned said, it will take an upfront investment and lots of knowledge and know-how...
So keep researching and gathering supplies! Welcome to RIU!!!
And if you run into any problems or have any questions in regard to growing, we'll be here to help ya!



Weed Modifier
Welcome To RIU
Sound like you have a good head on you shoulders....just don't get sucked into all the Myths/Hype!
Read+Research=Reward!!! Keep em Green!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
welcome for sure, if you like science then hydro is the way to go.. and like home grown said lighting and "cooling" are gonna be the most expensive but HOMER sells everything you need to put together most hydro systems