Sexing and Streching?


Alright well ive been reluctant to get on here and ask because i know almost all of my questions can be answered through search... but im kinda stuck here and this is my first grow ive ever done and im still learning. I have 4 LOG's that i grew from seed and one blue raspberry kush clone from a friend. One of the LOG looks like its starting to show its sex but i cant really tell. But from pictures ive seen it also looks like its streching but im not sure if it normal or not. Its about 3 weeks old in organic miracle grow soil, no nutes or ferts, 24 hours of light, 2 4ft T12's daylight bulbs 1 inch away, constant 77-83 temp with 30%-50% humidity, daily misting and watering when the soil looks dry. I took some pics of them to see if i could get some help. Thanks much :peace:



Well-Known Member
I would only put clones under t12's, you need more light and your soil needs perlite or your gonna over water a lot.


I just thought that those little hair looking green things right in the "v" of the second set of leaves might be something but guess not.


If they were mine I would get them in a bigger pot (5 litre) with a potting compost & about 20% perlite. I would also not have them relying on stick supports, they need to grow some strength on their own, when they can stand up get a fan on them to strengthen them further, I had 2 out of 14 droop when they were that big but they sorted themselves out.
You won't be able to sex them till at least 30 days when they mature.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think they are a little stretchy but u have the right under the lights so they shouldnt stretch to much more..What id do is when you transplant them into your bigger pots, bury them on up to the cotyledons..All that stem you have once under the dirt will turn into roots as well.
Heres a pic of my NL auto, on day 23 showing sex..what your looking for is the little white hairs, those will make the V your talking about.

View attachment 1716585


So sex won't show under 12/12? Then my cat must have gotten hairs all over them plants... jackass. My understanding is that most people will have it in 12/12 by 6 to11 weeks.

But yes, I mistyped.


Alright thats what i thought cuz my boy has his still under 24 and they all show sex at around 2 month's. Im just looking for one good female to start a mother. And with the lights, what should i be using if t12's arent sufficient for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
t12s are fine for seedlings and clones, if you're wanna veg them more id recommend t5s though. and its common for seedlings to stay short and bushy, it could be genetics, but always check your pH, and don't water until the leaves perk up a bit. and whoever said sexing only happens at 12/12 is wrong, once they're around a foot tall i can tell which are which.


only on 12-12 will you be able to tell the sex for sure as males will pop there little sack right up before you know it little fuckers


Well-Known Member
ur soil does look a lil heavy. perlite woulda been nice. too late. the sticks are a sign of tlc. nice. don't overwater. styrofoam is not porous. it doesn't breath. there's holes in the bottom of those pots, right?


Yeah there holes in the bottom of all of them. I used MC organic but from what ive heard fox farm ocean is a really good soil so when i transplant thats what im going to use. I just took the sticks out today and they are all holding up just fine i have a fan running over them all the time. also i just switched the light schedule to 20/4 and i use distilled water from walmart, isnt the ph neutral in distilled?


Well-Known Member
So sex won't show under 12/12? Then my cat must have gotten hairs all over them plants... jackass. My understanding is that most people will have it in 12/12 by 6 to11 weeks.

But yes, I mistyped.
I hope the jackass comment wasn't aimed at me??

I was responding to you saying that 12/12 will show sex unless its an autoflower, which is incorrect because as i stated ALL plants will show during 12/12 , 16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 given enough time, To start saying your cat must have left them is just dumb, we all know 12/12 will flower a plant , i was giving the OP all the info not just part of it.

Oh and on a side note if you DONT want pests keep your pets out of your grow room, they can bring in ANYTHING!
