Sex or Drugs?

Sex Or Drugs

  • Sex

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • Drugs

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
To me,there's no way of comparing the two. If you live only for pleasure then you'll be a nicer person to be around for other human beings if you choose dope over sex, because if you look at a woman or man as a vehicle for the pleasure that you derive from sex in the same way that a drug can give it to you, then you're going to hurt other people who don't feel that way about themselves, and oh, yeah, look at that huge crowd over there of people who've suffered from that!
Also, maybe some people would get more out of taking marijuana if they treated experiencing its effects in the same way that sex, when it involves the intimate expression of love as its core, does. That is, that it is special, mystical, revelatory, extremely valuable (because it is sacred in a spiritual sense), and that it is a key reflector of the health of the individual and in society itself, since how we treat each other in the area of male and female interrelation denotes the manner that we allow ourselves to be treated by those who rule over us.
For example, if we're just sex objects, then we're not each of us unique and valuable and therefore we can be disposed of uselessly, like we are in war.
The fact marijuana is kept illegal degrades it in a moral sense so that the user is made to feel like a criminal. Since thinking leads to and from feelings and leads to actions, the prohibition of marijuana, (just like the bulk of sexual advertising and porn present in the media in society) can also lead to a form of denigration occurring in the users' self-image and can cause and allow them to be subdued, and ain't that just how they like it?