Severe Light Burn 3rd Week Flower

Came home and some of my plants looked compketed dried out, smelled the same as a hanging plant when hatvested/drying leaves. 3rd week of coowering and a lot of the plants dont look great anymore like the need to recover. They just simply arent ideal would it be best to revert back to veg or does this take too long? Start fresh even though in spent 7-8 weeks vegging? Should they be able to recover from this point or is it too late?

I live in WA and have a medical licsense.


Well-Known Member
Can't really tell without pictures mate, but if it's just the fans that are knackered, if it was me i'd pull them all off (it'll look like shit), leave it a week and see if she/they comes back with new growth. If not, i'd start again.