

I'm trying to figure out how to grow and i want to keep it under wrap's, So here are my questions.

If i grow in my attic which sometimes gets a bit hot like in the 80's or 90's but no currently since its almost winter will i be able to get a cupboard and grow in there? My main issue would be the temp being to high on the outside and maybe effecting the plants on the inside? Is there anything i can do to maybe keep it cool once the time comes?


I bought a 24x12x36 oak unfinished kitchen cabinet at lowes for 50 bucks an it's great for small complete grow or as a veg/clone box. I use two 120mm speed controlled computer fans for intake and exhaust and a 4" desk fan for circulation. I put a 3 light vanity strip (8$ lowes) in the cabinet and have 3 42watt 6500k cfls veging two plants and it works great. As far as attic growing I think you would have heat issues during spring/summer even using cfls unless you cooled your grow with an AC unit. Is attic your only option?


Yeah pretty much it's the only safe place in my house, i got a maid so she goes around the house a lot so yeah pretty much.


Well-Known Member
You will need to run a filter/inline fan to recycle and clean that air, and almost definitely need an a/c.

Growing between 77-81 is your perfect ideal temp, above 85 is to high. humidity also will be an issue, where mold can arise, both in your buds, and you attic if not properly vented out, other wise besides growing a crop that may be molded, you may risk your own oxygen and families oxygen if mold shows up in your attic and is not dealt with.

If you can set your grow so you veg during hotter/humid months, then flower during the cooler/less humid months, depending on your location. Running lights at night would help keep temps down, but for 80-90's before plants and lights, you must get an air conditioner, or find a cooler place in the house.
