Sentinel CHHC-4 software still not available and my short review on it


Active Member
i seen some posts of ppl posting software for the sentinel CHHC-4 and all links are broken. are these people trying to send viruses to us? last night i sent them an email cause i want the software and they responded saying "There is no software available at this time. Sorry it is still work-in-progress." Jesse Woods
Managing Electronics Specialist/Tech Support Manager/Returns Manager
Sentinel Global Product Solutions
[email protected]
(707) 544-3399 direct
(707) 540-6097 fax
(877) GROWGPS Opt.

this is gay. this thing has been out how long and no software? not to mention the high price. also only 15amps. wtf were they thinking? they should have made it 30 amps 240v. i dont care if i would of had to hard wire it. i had to hard wire my light controller anyway. now since im getting a mini splitter ac i have to fork over even more cash for a pxm because there is no way i can run my 15amp dehumidifier and mini splitter on the same circuit. also the port to connect to a computer is a rs-232 or serial port. that thing is so outdated its like from the 90s and earlier. they should have just went to usb.

even though its like 3 times the cost, i wish i would have went with the harvest master pro plus! i like sentinel but they're behind on the times.

if i were to review the sentinel chhc-4 i would give it a B- its a good controller, it does it's job, but they need to be more up to date and timely with their software. it's high quality but it had a few design flaws. also i got one of their digital timers which also have a huge design flaw, the display leds are red and not green. they fixed this on the chhc4 controller but not the timers. they really need to come down on price. not many ppl can afford these and i see many are going to the CAP brand because of quality and cost. think about how much more a computer can do for the same price. it dont seem right.