Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone


Well-Known Member
good deal, glad to hear it.........i do have a question....are your filter and fan matched or did you just buy one to fit the duct size.
man its been a long day, i had cows got out(lots and lots of fun). but i have got a lot of the flower room done, working on the water pump timing now, the plants are in there.


Well-Known Member
Makin some medicine. Ground up an ounce of pennywise. Coffee grinder is fricken awesome! Not going to evaporate all the alcohol so it stays thinner and can be dispensed with a dropper. image.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's a very slow process boiling off all that alcohol. Started with 12oz. I read somewhere to evaporate till your left with 30% but that's 4oz and seems a bit much. I want it to be thin enough when cold that I can use a dropper. That way I can take a dropper bottle with me when I travel.


Well-Known Member
Shit sat all night and it still hasn't lost any volume. Might have to sit it on the hot plate. Haven't tried it yet. Maybe tomorrow. Kinda scared. Might just have to start really small and increase it every day.


Well-Known Member
a good idea, till you know what to expect. i don`t think i would fear it because in a short time it will wear off, then again it could be a hairy ride till it does. your basically doing about the same recipe i had planed with the exception i`m going to add it to coconut oil or something similar.


Well-Known Member
Not sure But it made a shit tone of smoke. I think the reason I'd didn't boil off yesterday was because of the water. I put it directly on the plate and it really cooked down. Ended up with 1.5oz or so. It's a lot darker now and as thick as veg oil.


Well-Known Member
it did super duper concentrate. you can thin it back out. when i clean my jars i rinse them with 91 alcohol, filter it into a dish and let it air dry. it takes daaaaays.