selfmedicator462's first grow!


Well-Known Member
Did another round of trimming yesterday. It sucked! laying on my back trying to reach in and trim the back two. Next time Ill do it before they are full grown. They are sucking down alot of water now. I used about 7 gallons today.......but i wanted to get some decent run off to flush some of the salts out. Temps still staying 70-77 and RH is around 35%. I picked the ideal spot to grow.....just too bad it wasnt taller.



Well-Known Member
to answer the nute question, i personal don`t go that high, 1500 or so is about where try to keep mine. then again i don`t run soil so i can`t say on that. this can be a touchy subject to some so i wont go to far with this. to me its getting into the splitting hairs thing. if the plant needs more it will tell you as you found earlier in this grow. you can pm me on this issue and we can discuss it ferther. seems people get upset on some issues and i don`t practice message board kung fu anymore.
i love that microscope thing i going to get one of those. looks like you could do a lot with that. about those leaves save them in a big ziploc bag, and add them with the trim from the bud make some hash or butter, just so many things the can be used for, don`t toss them out.


Well-Known Member
The BC is really plumping the buds up but the DQ is really small and popcornish. Wondering if a 600 watt light might be needed next grow for flower. It's big for the room size but my temps are never above 77. Might get a ballast I can run both wattages on


Well-Known Member
i never grew the dq, with subcools stuff is not the stablest of genetics. it should have similar bud formation to the bc, also some strains drag their feet and really come on in the end.
the light question is funny, your in the middle of your 1st grow and are already looking to improve on the harvest. that's great! heres what you need to think about that you haven`t seen yet and that is your summer temps. i know its an indoor grow and you wouldn`t think that the outdoor temps effect you much but they do. with my temps here i run a 400 or a 600 in the summer and a 1000 in the winter. so for me a dual ballast wouldn`t be a bad thing at all.


Well-Known Member
end of the 5th week. Noticed the pots sit around 5.0 or so on the moisture meter till about the 4th or 5th day after a feed then bam it drops to 1.8 or so. I feed everytime i water and havent flushed yet. Noticing no problems. Think im going to have to get a jewelers loupe to really see the tricombs. Zoomed camera not the best and my little $5 scope is just too small.



Well-Known Member
working on week 6. Pistels are turning brown and most of the tricombs are milky. The DQ filled in finally. I musta got some nute burn this last feed. The tips are all yellow and some spotting. Not bad but just enough to burn. Got a few ideas to improve my area for the next grow. I need to get a small oscillating fan that i can mount on the wall so they all get some air movement. Going to run the 400w for one more grow then im buying a dual 400/600 ballast to up the lumens in flower. Going to ditch the metal SCROG screen for string or twine. That way I can just cut it at harvest and not have to worry about how to remove the metal screen.



Well-Known Member
man they are looking health wealth and! i have to agree with ditching the metal, for me twine has worked well. the nylon based stuff is hard to work with vs the other fibers out there, but it will get the job done. you got your drying and curing figured out yet? might ought to look into a storage place for those jars;-)


Well-Known Member
I ordered a 24" 6 tier hanging mesh thingy. I can hang it in my grow space and leave the fan run while i start my next batch in the cloning cabinet. I ended up flushing today to try and get rid of some salts to avoid burning them anymore. Then i fed with 1300 ppm. I checked tricombs again and they are still all either clear or milky. Not seeing alot of amber yet. Im anxious to see what my roots look like in these airpots. Ive got some spots planned for hiding jars. Ordered a set of bubble bags but im not sure if 4 plants will produce enough trim to even bother with that method of making hash. I might look into just a simple silk screen method. BHO sounds like a hassle for my little operation. I wonder if i can just freeze my trim for a few grows till I have enough to run through the bubble bags?


Well-Known Member
I think what I have is a calcium deficiency. Not 100% sure but im wondering if ive washed most of the lime out of this Promix? These airpots cause alot of run off. Im a week away from harvest so Im not going to try and correct it. Ill be sure to have Calmag on hand for the next grow.


New Member
so yesterday I pulled it out of the dome and gave it the smallest shot of 1/8 strength nutes and this is what i found this morning. The pellet was pretty dry. This one is 2 weeks old. Should it have been repotted already?
I would wait until they are two or three weeks old before adding nutes. Pretty fragile for a bit after popping.


Well-Known Member
I learned in soiless you HAVE to feed after they start to develop a few sets of leaves. I stunted my growth by not feeding for a few weeks. The Promix has 0 nutes in it and tap water didnt have enough to keep it going. Once i added nutes they took off like a bat out of hell.