Self Watering Guerilla Garden

Hey RIU !

I stumbled across this spot and thought this could be a potential spot where i could plant and not come back for days and not have to worry about watering because there is about 2 1/2 inches of water in this little creek and the around around it is drenched! In a few of the pictures i cleared the leaves back to show the ground beneath it and above it gets good sun light. Since the ground is always wet because of the little creek near by I think this has the potential to be a self watering spot during the summer. The plant has all the water it could need and gets full sunlight all day. It's still early in the season but what do you guys think about the spot? Any suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
True, but in the rains it will be the first to flood.
Maybe build a raised bed there out of an open bottom bucket or box.
Camo with local debris.
I thought of that too . But I like the location because if I move the plant back some more I won't have to water at all this Summer and should be able to supply a flowering sativa all the water it needs . My only concern is fertilizing the soil Im not sure if it would penetrate the ground good because it's already drenched.


Well-Known Member
drenched is not the best way of growing. like other guy said you will need a raised bed to help w/ overwatering. thats if the little creek doesnt dry up in summer


Well-Known Member
If it gets good light a little farther back I would say it would work. Having a nearby water supply is a good place to start.
It never completely dries up the water recedes so I may have to water but the creek will really have to dry before that happens. Do you think sativa or indica would do better in that environment.

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
you've never seen an overwatered plant eh? the plants that grow in saturated soils aren't the same as grow in damp/moist soils aren't the same ones that grow in arid soils.

methinks you'll have to get a substantial amount of your root system above that water table. I'd try something the size of a 5-gallon bucket with large holes in the bottom and small holes in the sides (for rainwater to drain out). or make raised beds on site with native materials, fill with usual soil/amendment mix. it must drain.

i'd try different heights above the water level, the idea being to find out how much drained root system you must have, yet taking advantage of the water below.

also be mindful that animals and people are drawn to water. all of it everywhere.

cannabis is not cattail.