Self Built Grow Box *PICS*


Well-Known Member
So I wanted to build a box that I could grow my seedlings in for 1-2 months before eventually transplanting them outside.

So I came up with this setup. I actually built the dimensions to fit a Sun Blaze 48 directly mounted on top with adjustable shelving. Unfortunately I don't have the cash flow right now to buy it. But I did have scrap wood and some shop lights lying around. I ripped down some 2x4's and built the frame, then I sided it with oak sheets, and painted the inside white. Tomorrow I am drilling holes for shelf pegs so I can raise and lower the plants. The dimensions of the box are 48"(L) x 20"(H) x 18" (W).

I went out and bought 4- GE 40 watt 48" T12 Wide Spectrum Plant & Aquarium lights and had a spot CFL lying around for supplemental light.

I am actually growing Sugar Snap Peas, Brussel Sprouts seedlings, Collard Greans, Lettuce, Onions, and of course My favorite plant. :eyesmoke:

Eventually I was thinking of using it to grow some Low Ryder's or mabe a stout Indica in the future. Maybe in the winter when I can't grow outdoors around here.

I was curious to know from anyone who digs growing with fluorescent's. Is this enough light to grow my babies before putting them outside? Or would it be enough light to completely grow my plants through flowering?

Any feedback would be extremely helpful and thanks in advance!



Active Member
a few of those dont look like weed lol...they look like peas lmao...maybe im just to stoned rofl

Edit: lmao nvm read the whole thing. i am too stoned lmao!