Seems like strange growing pattern to me


These 2 plants were germed from seed on July 7th. What is strange to me is that the one with the P deficiency (at least by my diagnosis, if you think differently please let me know) seems to still be growing faster than the one showing hardly any signs of deficiency. I have kept an offline journal documenting what I've been doing and how Ive been figuring out what the problems are. I have made mistakes (hempy bucket and I tried to use guano to fix at first) but all in all I think I'm doing OK, not great, but they havent died yet.

I am using hempy bucket, this is my first grow, I am using FloraNova series. I was using strictly the Grow and using just grow is when the first signs of the deficiency started (so I wouldn't recommend just grow for vegging). My plan was to use just the Grow and Bloom formulas as instructed on the bottles, and start adding in molasses and hygrozyme on every 3rd feeding (deficiency showed before I started this). I water and feed on alternating days. My view is that with hempy bucket I can't overwater so I water put something through my buckets every day to keep salts from building up. I know I don't have to do this, but nothing bad can come from it. I have been flushing with 2 gallons per plant weekly or as needed. I flushed when I first noticed the deficiency and then gave just water for 4 days because at first I thought it was nute burn. When it kept getting worse with just water is when I figured out it was P deficiency.

I tried to FIM both, but apparently I missed with the Fuck I Missed technique, and instead of getting multiple tops back, I got mangled leaves. So after that grew through, I topped the plant who eventually got the deficiency. (thinking now maybe that small added stress caused the deficiency, or was a catalyst for it) I LSTed the other around the same time. I have now also LSTed the plant that I topped and will continue to tie them both down again every few nodes to flower some bushes. I have also converted to just the FloraNova Bloom. I have read that 8ml of this per gallon is the equivalent of the Lucas formula.

The reason I tried to add guano in the first place was because to my understanding the FloraNova system was organic. So I wanted to keep using organics to try and fix the problem. (I made tea with the indo guano high in P). Then I learned that in hempys I don't have the bacteria in the root system for guano to break down all the way into base elements. So I scrapped that along with the plan to eventually use molasses and hygrozyme. Also, most of the FloraNova system is chemical with a couple organic attributes.

Now, my query is why is the plant that has seemingly had all the problems growing faster than the plant that has had much less stress. This leads me to wonder if something is going wrong with the plant that I didn't top. That's a small thought in the back of my mind, however. Since there's not point in making mountains of molehills.

Ah, and last a few of the simpler details about my grow I didn't mention earlier: Temps sitting between 75 and 80 all the time now (had horrible heat problem in early stages with temps jumping to 115 at times, since has been solved) and I keep a small humidifier in my cabinet because without it my rh drops to around 25. With it I have rh between 38-44. The problem with this is that I have to add water every 6 hours or so to keep it going. Needless to say I miss some cycles and the rh to the plants probably doesn't seem very stable. Going up and down from the high 20s range to the mid 40s pretty often. Could this also be a major issue?

Anyway, here are some pics. Any comments and advice are very much welcome.

