Seeking a very knowledgable grower, to assist me with a Widows Program, I am writing


Hello again, I try and find projects that occupy my mind, and are interesting to me, and maybe one day might make some money, and recently with all the problems i have been having, i was thinking of writing a windows program that functions as such.

It will be a collection of pictures of plants in various stages of neglect, which can be cross referenced by search words and topics, generally like a plant doctor, you see the picture of the plant that looks like yours, and information of why the plant looks like this, IE What Nuet its missing, would be displayed in another part of the program, I will have no problem writing this, and i can allow an XML Database or a MySql or SQl for that matter, and pretty much create a Plant DR windows program, the problem is, I lack the pictures, and the knowledge.

If anyone likes this idea and might want to jump on board, please let me know.



This is something like i am talking about, at the moment, its just a blank application, but I am writing the structure it will use for the above layout, I can gather all the data and pictures myself, to a point, but i am a novice, and the application would work much better if someone who knew how to garden could assist, if you would like to draw a contract up, so that we can both be assured we work within boundaries that make us both comfortable, that can be arranged.

This is just a link to my private site, and the application install webpage, generated by visual studio, if you have any doubt at all about the authenticity of this program, then don't install it, after i work on it a few days, i will post a picture, if i haven't broken any rules by posting this that is.


Just so you guys can see i am serious about writing this, here is a picture of the database builder, you drag pictures to the right, then fill in the rest of the info.
This way i can build a database to be used by the main program (Which i linked at the start).


This will all of course take alot more work, I will update this info periodically hoping to get some of you smart growers interested, each picture taken will need to be able to be copyrighted,
taking them yourself is a sure way, and when i use this program to build the database, the pictures will be encrypted, so no-one will be able to use the pictures in the program, unless i write a way to allow it.

Hope this makes some of you do the Spock eye raise.


Thankyou Dr Love, but I would like the chance to one day sell this application, and i cannot do that, using others pictures, that's the problem i am running into, i have to get permission from the persons who took the pictures, and they always want cash in return, which i have none of :D

So I need to take them myself, or enter into a deal with someone who took them with their own camera.


Well-Known Member
haha well if you search this forum long enough you can find all the problem pics you need and can just ask them if you could use them, im sure no one would care.
or grow a few plants and give them problems on purpose lol.


Well-Known Member
you gonna include TMV ;) (please dont)

GL man look like you got the right idea it would be a nice tool to have dont dont really know how to help you program it i had though of doing it with a power point a long time ago tho.


Well-Known Member
i had a program for cars that it would ask you a series of questions and would tell you the problem once you answered


I have been thinking about this, and in order to create the database that would hold all of these pictures and plant descriptions, I have to create another program to write it into a database,
So i could just release that as well, and people can create their own custom databases, and share them, that way I don't run into any copyright problems, the program i have already written, allows you to find a picture you have taken and uploaded to your computer, then you click and hold and drag the picture over the form, so it is really easy to make your own Database record, you could even use it for other types of pictures, as it works with jpg, gif, bmp, png, dib, eh and a few more.

Maybe this would be a better idea ?


Well-Known Member
Scrap the Windows application and go web based, allow anonymous (hehe) upload and categorization, tags, whatever you wish.

This is not a money making ready idea, maybe switch to an OSL and your bound to get offers of pics and maybe explanations of that specific deficiency.
