Seeds under 400w hps?

[email protected]

Active Member
I have just started my 3rd grow after having great succes in my last 2, but have a few problems. Out of 12 white widow 5 bubblelicious 3 big bang seeds, I have only 3 white widows, 0 bubblelicious and still waiting on bb to sprout. For reasons I had to put my seedbank under the 400w hps with my other plants, its been nearly 3 days and still no green stem showing(usualy 2" by now). Would this have killed my seeds? They are kept moist and not to hot as my fan keeps temp and humidity right in my jardin. I am germinating my last 2 big bang seeds, would it be wise to leave them in darkness for 1st 24hrs of planting?:-|

Dai Dai

Might help but ensure the medium temps are prime as well as it is likely diff then air temp. kept moist? not too moist i hope.


Active Member
If the light is a meter or so away, it shouldn't have harmed them. Some take longer than others, my latest batch I had one sprout up 5 days after the others. Keep hoping!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I thought it should be ok as long as temp. was ok, but when things keep going wrong, you cant help but wonder, fingers crossed. Big bang is such a lovely strong plant aswel from my experiance, I once dropped a 2' plant which broke its stem, after straightning her up with a stick she was good as before after 1 full 18/6 cycle.Happy days.


Well-Known Member
I have just started my 3rd grow after having great succes in my last 2, but have a few problems. Out of 12 white widow 5 bubblelicious 3 big bang seeds, I have only 3 white widows, 0 bubblelicious and still waiting on bb to sprout. For reasons I had to put my seedbank under the 400w hps with my other plants, its been nearly 3 days and still no green stem showing(usualy 2" by now). Would this have killed my seeds? They are kept moist and not to hot as my fan keeps temp and humidity right in my jardin. I am germinating my last 2 big bang seeds, would it be wise to leave them in darkness for 1st 24hrs of planting?:-|
I have changed my profile name to Dynablo.


Well-Known Member
I just repoted some seeds that I took away from the light 4 24 hours as I felt they were to wet too. They are female but if they do still grow do you think this stress could have already turned them hermie?