Seeds Q&A


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to tell which plants are going to be heartier by just looking at the seeds?

Does the size of the seeds, color/darkness, and presence of stripes have an effect?

What is the best way to store them and how long are they viable for?

I heard storing them in the freezer is good but I'm hesitant and don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket just yet until I get some feedback.

I have somewhere around 500-700 seeds of a single strain and I'm wondering how to preserve them for the future. Right now I have them sealed in a glass jar at room temp. They are exposed to a ceiling light.

Is light bad for them?

Please, anybody with answers or questions about anything regarding seeds, post your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
no way of telling as far as i know.but use healthy plump looking seeds..i heard about putting them in the freezer for a few week before germanation to trick the into the change of the season....not done it myself tho


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the freezer, but I know storing seeds in the fridge will help them keep longer, and light is bad for them. As far as looks I have found no links between size and stripes or anyhting like that, but white seeds are not fully developed and won't be the best choice.


Well-Known Member
i have like 40 plus seeds im storing for summer and i just put them in a dark container and put a packet of silica gel in there to keep out moisture. They just need darkness, dryness, and cool temps. with the right environment they can be preserved for years. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
i had some seeds stored away for 12 years in a money bag.i could not beleve it when the germinated .just shows seeds can be stored for awile


Well-Known Member
i had some seeds stored away for 12 years in a money bag.i could not beleve it when the germinated .just shows seeds can be stored for awile

Thats great. I have enough seeds to last me about 4 years. I hope the strain turns out to be a good one


Well-Known Member
It's a new mix of a popular northern California strain male crossed with a top notch female that traveled a long way to breed. I can't leak the genetics but I will keep updates on the grow through harvest.

I have some really nice OG Kush clones lined up for my next grow. If the cross I'm trying now turns out to be better than it's parents I'm going to start a mother and get clones started while I'm flowering the OG