Seeds or pistel????????


Well-Known Member
In flower,DUH! How do u know if its a seed or pistel? If the pistil has 2 hairs then its not a seed correct? If its a seed can u remove it without making more show up? If so whats the correct way to do that? :wall:


Well-Known Member
I did heard that if you squeez it and white stuff(like a zit) comes out then thats a seed? But i dont want the squeez all the 3-5 i have that arnt showing hairs. Should i wait or remove right away? Im just worried that if i do remove the 100% confirmed seed/s i will transfer it further onto the same plant and or other surrounding plants i have. Damn i hate caring too much!


Well-Known Member
Relax smoke a bong hit...:D It should have the two white hairs sticking out, Do you have males around?