Seeds not germinating! help!


Active Member
okay, so i have some cali skunk seeds. i didnt order these, just found them in some buds. i put about five in a wet paper towel and wrapped em up. put that in a glass with some water in it, about half ounce. covered it up with another cup, and put it on my heating pad, which is turned on low.

this was almost a week ago.


another seed i dropped into a shot glass of water. checked in 24 hours and gave it a poke to help it drop to the bottom, which it did. i put the cup back over the shot glass, and sat it back on the heating pad. which is turned to low. this was a few days ago.

and nothing. only thing different is the water in the shot glass is now cloudy.

am i doing something wrong? using bunk seeds? just being impatient?

anyone please anyone help!!!!


New Member
The seeds will take their time, your being too impatient in my opinion. Don't drench the paper towel, spray it with rainwater if possible or just ordinary tap water. leave it on your pad for 2-4 days and check every 12 hours or so...

and don't forget, too much water will rot your seeds. Good luck


Well-Known Member
when i germinate i put in a black plastic box with lid, and put under my light so inside the box gets warm and condensates, and my seeds have always germinated in 24 hours, and iv germinated like 15.

but sum seeds take longer i guess


Well-Known Member
I think you killed your seeds with heat. At 95 deg f cannabis is a gonner. All you need is normal room temp or a small lamp near the seeds. I heat pad is WAYYYYY too, much.

Try again using rain water or aged tap water. Check and make sure the ph is below 6.0.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
as i sed i put mine i wet tissue, in a black plastic box in my cupboard with a 70hps above it, and none where "killed" but myabe i was lucky ... who knows


Well-Known Member
as i sed i put mine i wet tissue, in a black plastic box in my cupboard with a 70hps above it, and none where "killed" but myabe i was lucky ... who knows
He may have been "unlucky" because the seeds were sitting on a heat pad. They were probably much warmer than you grow arrangement.

But who knows. Could be the seeds were just bad. They do sort of expire over time in a box, regardless how you try to grow.


Well-Known Member
the best germination method is puttin the seed in the soil.
I agree, just germed 6 seeds, 2 of which where planted straight into soil, the rest between 2 wet paper towels then put into a plastic bag and sealed for humidity.

The 2 in the soil popped out of the ground within 36hrs.

The rest took 2 days to germ, and the tap roots were only about 1cm long.

IMO, just leave them in the soil and let nature do it's thing, make sure the 1st time you water it well, then leave it till it germinates. Another thing, make sure the surface of the soil does'nt dry out.

Best of luck! :mrgreen:


Active Member
Interesting... I say this because a buddy of mine use the shotglass method too and had a hard time salvaging seeds to use.. I've had almost 100% with wetting napkins and putting them in a baggy with the seeds, and setting them on top my computer tower (where its warm, but not TOO hot).. I'd give this a method a shot because either Im lucky (which doesnt happen often) or its just that damn effective..


Active Member
Take 4 paper towels, lay them (your seeds) on the paper towels, get them wet with good bottled water (Room Temp), then lay 4 more paper towels over them, get them a little wet. fold it up gently and put your paper towels in a Ziplock baggy. give it 2 days and you will be pleased.

You can get a brand new sponge (this is my favorite method) Get it damp, place your seeds in the holes of the sponge, then place the moist sponge in a plastic Ziplock baggy.. I get 100% Germination of my seeds everytime. Just yesterday 9 out of 9 Sprouted.. And I had 6 in Paper towels and 4 out of 6 sprouted. So in my HUMBLE opinion, one of these methods will probly work for you.

It is cold in Oregon. My house stays around 60 degrees at night, and my sprouts all are in damn good shape for being only 1 day old. try to keep you seeds cooler than 80ish if possible. Took me 1 day to germinate-- more like 18 hours with the sponge method..

Anyways, Good luck friend

P.s I am in no way a master growr, I just know what has and is working in my garden. So I like to pass on useful stuff. Again good luck to all

past times

Well-Known Member
the best germination method is puttin the seed in the soil.
i agree with this. it keeps you from messing with the seeds and possibly screwing them up with salts and heat and what not. just get the pot that you are going to start the seeds in ready (i like 2 literbottles cut off because it allows the root system to grow pretty large before you have to transplant), get the soil wet all the way through, make a small whole about a centimeter deep and place the seed in it, then carefully pack the soil over the top...then i mist the top soil with a few sprays to make sure the top has enough moisture. after that, place a sandwhich bag or something over the top of the container to trap the humidity. you can spray the tops once or twice a day to keep moisture up if you see them drying to fast.

they should pop up in a couple days. usually no later then 4 days but some strains lag a bit.

as far as where to put the container you can put it anywhere warm. have never used the heating pad, usually just put it in my 1x1 room with a few lights on...

this should give 100% germ unless the seed is a dud


Active Member
Try again using rain water or aged tap water. Check and make sure the ph is below 6.0.
I just went through 5 good looking seeds from a good bank with 1 actually germinating. I just checked the PH of the water i've been using and its about 7.3 so I think that is the issue. Below 6 seems very acidic to me though. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this! thanks