Seeds from


Active Member
I got some ICE from them a month ago...small seeds... scared me.. but they are growing unreal. Got a good feeling
yeah dude i ordered 10 feminized ICE from them. it took a while to get to California, and i actually havent started germinating them yet even, but anyways...the actual bud/plant looks insane on their website.

came super discreet, it was sick.


Well-Known Member
i have always ordered using my cc, been doing it for over 5 years now...NEVER have any law officials came knocking at my door, customs must see hundreds of packages coming from point is as long as you don't get crazy with it like ordering 200 beans at once that require abnormal packaging your ok. and YES i live in the USA.


Well-Known Member
Ohio, Just saw your reply about what happened. It is normal for your CC compnay to make a call when your card is used outside or your normal purchasing area, unless you travel fro a living and inform them that ou travel a lot. I have had mine cut off several times over the years. THis is the CC Company, not the US Gov. Alls cool... IMHO


Well-Known Member
yea, i wasnt really worried about it, the cc company that is...they were just checking to make sure it was me who bought something from holland.
also, i relized what IMHO ment the other day...but now i forget...anyone want to remind me.?


Well-Known Member
im not saying that the government doesnt have small side branches,
and dude i dont know what the hell your talking about....the government does have to make a profit...and it cost them to do operations like sting op's..etc.
im not saying that you cant get introuble with ordering seeds...but its rather unlikely that they are going to trace 10 seeds i ordered from Holland. and give me a bunch of crap for it. if anything, if the package is found, the company who sent it, gets more crap than i ever wood.
but yea, im not going to use the credit card again on this, i just did it because i really wanted some new seeds, and dont wait to wait for the whole shipping of the money processs.
I'm not trying to be a dick about this. But this is something I know about from my own history.

As for, they don't make profits. They have a budget. 9 years out of 10 they just get the same money they got last year...whether they completed any goals they were assigned, busted a bunch or busted a little. Yes, customs overseas the shipments into the US. But DEA overlaps that responsibility when it comes to drugs being shipped in. The Post Office overlaps that responsibility once it's in the US mail system. When you research the seeds online or order online you are under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service because they police online crime. If your actions are a part of what some local DA calls a crime syndicate then any actions taken are a part of a conspiracy charge or it could be prosecuted under the Ricoh statute.

So trying to get back to the not being a dick or a hypocrite part.


All I'm trying to get at is that I would hate for you to downplay the threat that we're under and some newbie with no brains just goes out and orders a crap ton of seeds and gets their ass nailed.

I really hope I'm not coming off like a dick. But if I am I guess that's the way it goes.


Well-Known Member
no your not coming off as a dick at all, i completly respect everything you just said....good looking out.
but as far as them having unlimited money power...i just cant belive that they would...i mean they still have to pay govenment workers.....there are alot of people that work for the how do they pay them.?


Well-Known Member
and a quick you not pay taxes or something???
theres your profit for the government...or income


Well-Known Member
this was just a communication thing. I get it now. It happens a lot in text.

Anyhow, so yes you're right. We pay taxes to the government and the government pays people to work. But that's not a profit. By that I mean that they don't sell something(say like protection in the instance of cops) and then if they manage to provide protection for less than what it they made people pay, then they don't get to take the extra money home. So they have no reason to be better cops. They get paid whether they do a good job or a crappy job.

Think of big box stores like wal-mart, target, k-mart, etc. K-mart's been selling some complete crap and so no one's been buying their shit. So they're going out of business. They have less money to spend advertising to you about their crap they want to sell.

But government's not like that. They get paid whether they do a good job of whatever it is they do. If the IRS does a lousy job or pulling in the tax money they don't layoff 50,000 IRS employees. They actually give them more money to research why they can't pull in more tax money.

If the cops have a sudden decrease in the criminals they can prosecute the assumption isn't that they have eliminated all crime and that therefore they should now get rid of 25% of the cops. They all still keeping getting paid even though they have nothing left to do.

The point I'm trying to get at is that the government and all of it's departments are constantly working to do whatever they want to do. Which can be really nice. I mean, I don't want them to fire the people in the unemployment office just because we're having a few good years of consistent jobs in America. But it also sucks. Because it means that there are people who go to work 40 hours a week with just one thing on their minds. To bust us.


Well-Known Member
wow, well just going to say ok. and
all i was trying to proove is that the governments actions are funded in some way...a.k.a us paying taxes.
and that i doubt they are devotiong alot of time towards personal growers, and seed buyers, insted i think the drug operations they perform are aimed at the Large scale marijuana growers...and drug dealers.
also in most simple drug bust's, it is the local PD's that do the busting.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to say. I think we agree a lot here but basically you're really positive. Good for you.

I'm really negative...also known as being realistic(when a positive person is busting their balls).

I've worked for the government and I pretty much get how it works. You keep applying logic to how or why they would pay attention to you. That's a really bad idea.

Hell, the war on drugs is proof positive on that. They've spent a century trying to control things that don't need control and that they'r incapable of controlling. Yet people still get paid to catch us. And we keep going to jail.

anyhow, (I'm not being sarcastic about this), best wishes to you and your grows.

I'll keep growing. Buying online(but only with cash from now on). Smoking illegal shit. And realizing that the whole time that there are people who would love to throw me in jail for any one of those activities. And not only would they like to, they are paid to do so. Much like a janitor, they just keep looking for dirt and some way to remove it. I hope they never find me.


Well-Known Member
You know what's kinda funny (although not really),
Back in the day when DirecTV hacking was big, everyone had the same conversation about buying equiptment online. People were saying the same thing,"They won't mess with the little guy, they want the big fish if anything."

So some people ordered with thier credit card (Like my buddy LJ who introduced me to the game) and some people only paid with cash (Like me).

Well guess what... All of a sudden, a few big fish DID get busted, thier pc's confiscated, and records kept. Then the little fish got thrown in the pan. LJ got 6 months court supervision (dropped from his record upon successful completion) $3,500 restitution to DTV, and a $2,500 fine to state. He had no defense as his credit card was used. I actually had equiptment sent to my house (BAD IDEA) but it was in a fake name paid for with cash. They never contacted me but if they had I would had DENIED DENIED DENIED. How would they prove I bought the stuff?

So do I think they will do the same with seeds? No, but I didn't with the DTV stuff either, and they went YEARS back.
So I am a FIRM believer in better safe than sorry. I will always send cash or a money order.

BTW, what if you grow at your house? I don't care where you send the seeds to, your credit card has your address associated with it.
This is just a guess but I would think that ordering ILLEGAL MARIJUANA SEEDS would be probable cause for a search warrant.

Personally I don't know why people would take the risk, but then again I don't understand skydiving either.

I mean, why jump out of a perfectly good airplane???



Well-Known Member
Celticman, I too was one of the DirecTV hackers. I know this story to be true. Not the right thread, but if your in the industry do you know how they caught us all and shut down almost all hacked boxes over night? We bowed with respect. It was one of the coolest ECM ever launched.

I never buy anything questionable with anything other than cash and have it sent to a PO Box tied to a dead address. Sure they could follow me to post office..... but I'm not even THAT paranoid. ;)



Well-Known Member
420, i agree with you, i think there are alot of people that would love to thro me into jail; for something i love to do. and i agree with you on almost everything you say.
i am just wondering, what part of the government did you work in???
and yea, im not ever going to use a credit card again to order stuff. also thank you, i am a positive person..and i use alot of logic, im a very logical person....and that has done me good so far.
last but not least celtic, i am not stealing anything here...stealing direct TV is a bit more of an offence than just buying seeds...i would guess. so the knowledge of you getting busted for stealing direct TV, doesnt really worrie me about ordering seeds, im not suprised that people got in alot of trouble for that.


Well-Known Member
." Yet people still get paid to catch us. And we keep going to jail"
also that was a point i was trying to just said so...people are getting paid to catch us....wouldnt that be a profit.
and since it cost money to do an operation...wouldnt they try to bust the "big fish". insted of wasting time and effort and money on a guy with..say 7 plants?


Well-Known Member
last but not least celtic, i am not stealing anything here...stealing direct TV is a bit more of an offence than just buying seeds...i would guess. so the knowledge of you getting busted for stealing direct TV, doesnt really worrie me about ordering seeds, im not suprised that people got in alot of trouble for that.

No you aren't stealing anything, BUT what you are doing is a MUCH greater offense in most states than decrypting a signal that is beamed onto your property.
Where does the drug trade start? THE PRODUCERS! The ones who grow or make it.
Every criminal (and yes, if you are living and growing in the US you are a criminal under federal law and quite possibly state law) attempts to make his crime look not-so-bad.
See the DTV hackers justified this way... I never gave them permission to beam anything on my property. If you throw money on my property, I will pick it up and spend it. beam a signal on my property, I will use it. Don't want me to use it? don't beam it on my property. I have never hooked up to cable illegally, I have never actually stolen any physical thing. Have I hacked a DTV card? Possibly. Have I downloaded a copywritten CD off the internet and burned it (illegal by the way)? maybe. Have I illegally imported marijuana seeds, cultivated them, and used them (with possibly selling just a bit to my friends)? It's just a lil' possible.
Now here's a question for you... Ask someone who is a general law-abiding citizen which of the above is the greatest evil. I doubt too many would rate downloading CD's or altering a DirecTV card in the same stato-sphere as the illegal criminal enterprise of producing narcotics.

Also you say it is a "waste of time and money" to bust you?
Sale OR Cultivation of less that 50KG (lowest penalty) is UP TO 5 YEARS IN JAIL and UP TO A $250,000 fine. HMMMMMM If you have some assets, it JUST MIGHT BE PROFITABLE TO BUST YOU!
Unencrypting a TV signal has the same penalty as burning a CD. Intellectual property theft it what it's called. have you ever downloaded and burned a cd?

don't think it can't happen to you. Also don't think the U.S. would rather bust someone unencrypting a tv signal more than they would love to bust A DRUG CULTIVATOR LIKE YOU.

Don't take this post wrong, I am not trying to flame you or anything. I just want to realize that even though all of us may consider weed growing not a big deal, there are others out there who would say we are part of the problem, not the solution.


PS I just wanted to go to the lengths I did in this thread to show my point. Of course the U.S. isn't gonna bust you for some seeds they catch in the mail. That doesn't frighten me NEAR as much as them busting a seed company (or just hacking thier systems, you never know) and using the credit card info to get a search warrant to search my house.

If you seriously don't think you local police wouldn't LOVE to bust you with your seven (or whatever) plants, you are VERY mistaken. If they find you records of ordering seeds via your credit card, they don't know if you are growing 1 or 100 or 1,000 plants. You honestly think they would just say "We got the seed bank. We know this guy ordered 100 seeds, but who cares, we got the dealer."
All I am saying is you are much safer using cash. I have no idea where you live but you act like the DEA is too busy to bother with small busts. I would say you have you blinders on.

One more cut n paste

There have been over seven million marijuana arrests in the United States since 1993, including 755,186 arrests in 2003 an all-time record.

Cultivation of even one marijuana plant is a federal felony.

Lengthy mandatory minimum sentences apply to myriad offenses. For example, a person must serve a five-year mandatory minimum sentence if federally convicted of cultivating 100 marijuana plants including seedlings or bug-infested, sickly plants. This is longer than the average sentences for auto theft and manslaughter!

A one-year minimum prison sentence is mandated for distributing or manufacturing controlled substances within 1,000 feet of any school, university, or playground. Most areas in a city fall within these drug-free zones. An adult who lives three blocks from a university is subject to a one-year mandatory minimum sentence for even growing one marijuana plant in his or her basement.

More than 80,000 marijuana offenders are in prison or jail right now.

Civil forfeiture laws allow police to seize the money and property of suspected marijuana offenders charges need not even be filed. The claim is against the property, not the defendant. The owner must then prove that the property is innocent. Enforcement abuses stemming from forfeiture laws abound.

I hope you don't own your house or live within 1,000 feet of a school or park!

Peace out.... I have to refill my bong!



Well-Known Member
Sorry for the big letters, it was like that when i cut-n-paste it, I didn't realize it would stay that way!

Puff Puff pass,

BTW I said my peace about this thread and am done. I will always profess that "Cash or Money Orders Only" is the way to go.
Because once the feds come, it's too late to say i wish i woulda!


Well-Known Member
omg.... first of all you guys kinda took this out of hand. i didnt mean for anyone to get heated during our talk..debate". sorry for it tho.
and your talking like i think im invincible...which i do not. i am very well aware of the Illigal status of marijuana, and also know that my local pd would fuc*ing looove to bust my ass. the cops here are bored as hell..and have nothing to do..they would loove to charge my ass with everything possible... so i dick around as little as possible...this is the only instance that i have let my guard down a little,to order the seeds...and i already said i wouldnt order with a cc again. I am a responsible grower, and try to stay as low key as possible.
that aside, thanks for the statistics....i learned a little.
btw, i live in ohio. i dont know if you have ever read about our state laws on marijuana, but we are extreamly liberal; compared to alot of other not saying you dont get screwed around here, its just not as bad.

p.s i ordered 10.
peace :)