Seedlings bending over!!! Help asap (picts)


Active Member
Ok, so I am on the 5th day or so of seedlings. I just checked on them and 4 of the five look fine, but the one is drooping over. Is it lack of water or what? I misted the top of the soil lightly on friday morning, but that is all. Whats should I do...I NEED HELP ASAP GUYS!!! Thanks! See pictures



Active Member
just the way the plant wants to get its light, it should come up straighter in a day or 2. are you growing outdoors?


Active Member
The tempterature is being kept around 75 I would guess....I just sprayed them with water. I personally was thinking maybe it was a water issue, so we shall see....any other tips guys? THANKS SO MUCH!


Active Member
So how much water do I give something this small? Just mist the top of the soil or full out water it untill the water comes out the bottom of the pot? Thanks for everything guys. Do you think this bent over baby will stand back up?


Active Member
Ok, WTF....I just checked the plants after watering them earlier and now there is a total of three plants laying over. I went ahead and also brought the light a bit closer. HELP!!!!


Active Member
back the light off to about 2 feet in distance from the seedlings, always remember to let your water run for a few moments before you give it to your babies, stale water could harm them. not having a constant moisture supply probley shocked them all, leave them be and see what happens next, be careful you dont overwater the seedlings if it looks like a swamp chances are something wont grow in it.


Well-Known Member
I almost lost one of mine a week or two ago.

Depending on what kind of light you use (I use CFLS) put a CFL bulb 1-2 inches away from the plant for about an hour or two to wake it up. Then pull it back off.

They're doing this because they're stretching for light that they can't find. That fluro tube probably isn't giving them what they need or it should be closer.. It's better to give them a little too much light than not enough at all.

Give them a little water too man, not a lot. Pour a little bit in there and stick your finger in the soil to the edge of the cups. If it's spongy on top and no water seaps up, you're good. Just keep em moist. Remember you want your soil to break apart and have good drainage.

Edit: I'll see if I can get some of the more experienced people in here to try and answer this for you. I'm a n00b like everyone else. Also man, read the Grow Faq at the top of the page.


Active Member
Thanks so much guys...the soil is Schultz garden soil for fruits and vegetables that a few people recommended...its draining really nice and seems fine. I just went in and gave them some water...everyone keeps telling me they think they are over watered but I went with my gut feeling, they are bone dry, so I gave them just a tad bit of water. We shall see. Should I add two more floursecent lights, or like 2 cfls?


Well-Known Member
I would put some more soil in the pots as well, bring it as high as you can while leaving an inch or so between the soil and the plant. That way the soil should hold it up.


Active Member
1 - lack of water
2 - should have a very light breese blowing on it to make it stronger
3 - to much water
4 - its not strong enough to live

1 thing is that any thing that your growing in must have drainning holes at the bottom


Active Member
The bottom of the containers have tons of drainage holes. I am thinking they dont have enough water personally. I added some more water so we will see. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion for you to be is sacrifice.

Take notes, do something different to each plant whether it's watering one more, not watering one at all, etc.

Try a little trial and error.