Seedling stem/root, is this normal


Active Member
Hi this is my first grow. Im growing white widow and blue mystic, and my seedling stems look like this IMAG0209.jpg . They are purple and I've watered once with distilled water since i planted it about a day ago. I used distilled water because i was having problems with my tap water, i think my tap water is too hard. Is this normal? I have them planted in 12oz clear solo cups wrapped in aluminum tape so that light doesnt enter the soil.

I think i have the one pictured in 50/50 FFOF and Light warrior mix. They are under 4 45W 5500k CFL lights, humidity is around 35-40% and temps range from 75-82 degrees thru the day


Well-Known Member
I would use straight Light Warrior for the 2 weeks ffof gives seedling big trouble
actually I use sunshine mix4 for the first two weeks you may even feed the seedlings
a little too like 1/2 tsp of grow big after the first week then put'em in ffof after the
second week this is how I do it as for is this normal yes my do this all the time but
I have'em covered with plastic and a rubber band till the shell comes off you want the
plastic to stream up this will help the seedling shake the shell off it's back I'll even
help'em with some tweezers and a knife but be careful cause you can tear the poor
little baby in half really easy if you do try to help it off with tweezers do it when it is
really humid and stream up and wet this will help it come off and keep it covered till
the shell comes off~


Active Member
the distilled water actually turned out great! the plants are growing and that one has almost shaken off its shell and the 2 new leaves are nice and green...i will start a grow journal


Well-Known Member
when they get like in your picture, there's no harm in helping the shell off using clean hands and a pair of scissors. also make sure that you don't start giving them super intense light for the first day or two until it's opened it's first little round shaped leaves all the way. you want to give them a chance to build up their strength first. good luck money.


Well-Known Member
Agree -- when they get to where you have them I usually will help them off -- every once in a while if you don't you end up with a seedling that doesn't get the shell off and doesn't make it. Keeping the shell moist will help it come off on its own (dribbling a drop or two of water on it or a light mist). Gotta be real careful if you pull it off not to damage the seedling.


Well-Known Member
if your gentle you can take it off with 2pointy blades and it helps it to grow,ive had this and on some ive took them off and on others ive left them on just to so the out come,the ones i left on was slower to grow till it came off its self but by that time the plants that i took the shell off where bigger ;-)