Seedling Problem... What Gives???


I have five 3" pots under a 4-bulb T-5 light systems. I let the seeds soak in water over night and then placed in pots. Three have sprouted, however one got so long the stem couldn't support the top and the seedling fell over until it touched the side of the pot. The light system is 10 inches above the pots. I don't know why this happened. Did I not plant the seed deep enough in the soil??? Or not enough light and too far away??? Would appreciate any help. Thanks


Well-Known Member
seed should've been planted about an inch down in the soil. your seedling stretched because your light is not intense enough. thus, move it closer. as close as you possibly can get it without burning leaves of plant. within inches.... put your hand same distance away from light as plant is. if you can comfortably keep your hand there, then the plant can be comfortable with it too. replant the seedling that fell over. bury most of her stem so that there's only 1/4 - 1/2 " of stem above soil. good luck....


Active Member
seed should've been planted about an inch down in the soil. your seedling stretched because your light is not intense enough. thus, move it closer. as close as you possibly can get it without burning leaves of plant. within inches.... put your hand same distance away from light as plant is. if you can comfortably keep your hand there, then the plant can be comfortable with it too. replant the seedling that fell over. bury most of her stem so that there's only 1/4 - 1/2 " of stem above soil. good luck....
Go with what he suggested or try using the papertowel germination method first as a different route, then transplant them into soil. Either way get those lights closer to the seeds so they stay short and stout, and utilize the most light they can.