Seedling coloration

Hey guys how are you? I recently planted some blue dream seeds and the seedlings sprouted about 3 days ago. I was looking at them and noticed that one has a different coloration of his stem compared to the other 2. 2 of them have a purpleish stem while this one is just green. He was a late sprouter. Any idea on what cuases this? Im probably just overthinking but wanted to know ur opinion. Also another seedling has his seed stuck in its stem. Should i do something about it? Thanks hope you can help.



Well-Known Member
I don’t think it’s damping off tbh - they’d be stretched and drooping. I agree with @THT.

That said, Google ‘damping off’ just so you can learn how to avoid it
Stretching out, falling over and dying is not damping off. Just lack of light and/or inadequate support