Seedbank in Colorado now!


Active Member
Hey I was just wanted to tell everybody that there is a seedbank open in Colorado now. I haven't ordered from them yet but they are sponsored by Amsterdam marijuana seeds. So they have a decent selection. 10 seeds per pack with good prices + 20 free with every order. For those in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
i think this would probably not be the best move just yet because it is shipping from within the US. call me paranoid.
i am definitely not against seedbanks in the US and wish they existed, but even if u have a medicinal card im sure this may not be the best option.
by the way, colorado is drafting a law that requires their medicinal card owners to be registered in a database with 24/7 law enforcement access.

read the article, link is here. very not good news.


Active Member
Hey thanx that was what i was looking for! What if i was in Colorado though - supposedly you can buy seeds inside your state right?

Kinda like clones right?


Active Member
OK I see what Ur saying now - just read the article thank you to no end that's very very informational. And I wish Colorado would stop tryin to fuck us.