seed troubles


Active Member
I have used a shallow tray with wet soil in the window and have had success. I do the plastic cup with a damp paper towel and get sh!t. gettin pissed and losing time. any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Get a disposable plpastic cup, put high quality soil in it, water the soil till moist and plant the seed. Then grow until big enough to transplant.

I'm trying this and it's experimental if you want to try also.

I go for terrarium style, Take a 2 litre Pepsi bottle and cut the top off, put in soil, water till moist, plant the seed and cover the top with plastic and then cover the top with plastic and tape around the bottle to get a seal. Then place in a window and you should be good to go but like I said is something new I'm trying out, the other way works very well.