Seed sprouted, bending and odd color


Germinated my seeds for 2 days and I decided to plant them in some miracle in small pots in my closet. Using a fluorescent 42 watt light in combination with another normal lamp that is 18 watts. I've been watering it every day when the soil appears dry, with a small amount of water from a spray bottle. I've included pictures of the sprouted seedling, and I'd like to know why it is bending and why it looks so odd. This seems to be happening on the two plants that have sprouted. The other plants only have a small green hook barely rising above the soil and no sign of the seed rising.



Well-Known Member
Are you just growing for the free drugs or do you have a legitimate interest in botany?


Well-Known Member
I am interested in just being able to grow a plant that was put on the Earth and is able to deliver such amazing effects.
Its a bit slow. Stop watering now its sprouted, there is plenty of moisture in the big pot , move the cfl to about 6 inches ,get some air exchange in the cupboard .