seed frustrations


Well-Known Member
I've also dealt with BOG and he accepts cash. I sent him cash and he sent exactly what I ordered. 6 days from cash pymnt out to beans at my door.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
also, prepaid walmart visa cards do work (not gift cards). you can get a throwaway or a reusable, unless something has changed, the throwaway doesn't use your info, the reusable does.

many will accept a money order or cash, but you have to wait for them to receive and process it, takes a couple more days.

why do you have to have seeds? why won't clones work? are you going to breed and need a male? are you pheno hunting? just curious as to the whole seed thing when most people would be very pleased with cuttings...
I need beans. I am great at cloning but i want to have seeded plants to breed and have a ton of high quality seeds. Clones are not as fitting


bud bootlegger
i never understood that.
Seeds with no male?
yes, that's the way a lot of breeders make feminized seeds.. the collodial sliver applied to the plant will stop the plant from produding ethylene, the hormone needed for female, pistillite, flower growth, so instead the plant will start to grow stamenate, male flowers, instead on the parts of the plant that were sprayed with the cs..
you can either then take the pollen produced by the male flowers on your plant, and pollinate the female flowers on the same plant, what is known as an s1, or selfed 1, or you can take that pollen and use it on another female plant you have growing.. all resulting seeds will be feminized, or female, as there was no true male genes in the mix since you forced a female plant to grow male flowers, there was no y chromozone present in the plant to pass on to the offspring.


Well-Known Member
Great lakes genetics is located in michigan. Send him cash and you'll probably have your beans inside 5 days. Maybe less. I got them on the west coast in 7 days on the dot. Maybe if you emailed him with your concerns. Hes a good guy and very helpful.
yes, that's the way a lot of breeders make feminized seeds.. the collodial sliver applied to the plant will stop the plant from produding ethylene, the hormone needed for female, pistillite, flower growth, so instead the plant will start to grow stamenate, male flowers, instead on the parts of the plant that were sprayed with the cs..
you can either then take the pollen produced by the male flowers on your plant, and pollinate the female flowers on the same plant, what is known as an s1, or selfed 1, or you can take that pollen and use it on another female plant you have growing.. all resulting seeds will be feminized, or female, as there was no true male genes in the mix since you forced a female plant to grow male flowers, there was no y chromozone present in the plant to pass on to the offspring.
i had a friend grow in miracle grow topsoil and it stressed into male. I used the pollen on an old female to get the seeds i got now.


Well-Known Member
There are U.S. seed banks and individual breeders that sell from inside the U.S and they accept cash. Prepaid Visa/MC dont work anymore for international use or outside the U.S. People were using them to fund the bad guys so the card co put the kibosh on that. is in the U.S. and takes cash is also in the U.S. and takes cash is also in the U.S. and takes cash.
For international banks that are trustworthy (personally ordered from them with great success)
I too am in MI and both international banks have made it to my door with no issue.
They dont care if you are a card holder or not either.
I've used all of these banks in the past and all are legit! Lots of great suggestions from alot of great people. Happy growing!