Seed casing won't fall off, it's been a week


I germinated a seed and the root came out after a few days so I planted it, and it's grown, it's like 2 inches tall, but the seed casing is still on the top. It seems to know where the light it and has grown towards the brighter light but the casing is still covering the leaves. I tried gently prying it off but it wouldn't budge so I didn't want to force it. Has anybody else ever had this problem?


Well-Known Member
They tend to need a little extra help sometimes. Its possible to take it off i always do just be careful not to break the head off.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i had the same problem mate i got 2 sewing needles put them on the stone floor and hit them with my hammer gently like you would a nail just to bend the points slightly and used them to pull the casings off


Well-Known Member
I Removed one of mine, and almost killed it, wont do that again, ended up ripping one of the first 2 leaves almost off, but it has continued to grow and is almost as big as all the others started at the same time (9days old)


So I chose to try prying off the casing with some needles, and I don't think I'll be doing it again; on one of the seedlings, the leaves were caught up in the casing awkwardly, and even though I was gentle I ended up breaking the leaves about in half. Luckily, the second pair of leaves was somewhat growing so it looks alright. The other one, I don't know what happened but the insides are all balled up, and the leaves haven't come out so I think I messed it up or something. Either way, that was a bit too close for me. Thanks again for the help guys


I wonder how long it would've taken though, it didn't look like it was coming off any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Having the same problem right now and I've vowed not to touch it, happens in nature all the time Im assuming and it will either fall off or adapt to it I hope lol


Well-Known Member

My camera sucks but this is what mine looks like at the moment. the leaves for the one side are all bundled up under the case..just gonna let nature do its thing and should be ok I think lol


Well-Known Member
Yea they would put me in jail for the things i would do to that girl..... or not she would prolly like it... lol