seed bank help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
nope.....gotta stick with the banks thsat have a long standing rep.Lotta hustlers out there now trying to get a piece of the pie...


Active Member
attitude seeds 100% return on all seeds that ive ordered
I'll second that! Attitude is awesome! And you should wait for their February promo. Each month, in addition to their UFO Freebies, they give away a bunch of free seeds. It usually runs the first weekend of the month. Also, I always get my stuff in 10 days or less!
thats what im sayen i want the g13 purple haze seeds but partner wont listen to me hes stupid and impatient cuz attitude is outta stock


Well-Known Member
they have been out of purple haze for three months..i know ive been waiting and wainting..i grew it when it under the name purple lady. they changed it after the mother died and remade the strain.

um weedworld seeds is good and has them available ..
my other prob is i need a new strain i aint grown good yeild possibly purple good high you know? i like what u got in ur pro pic there mrs.robinson
they have been out of purple haze for three months..i know ive been waiting and wainting..i grew it when it under the name purple lady. they changed it after the mother died and remade the strain.

um weedworld seeds is good and has them available ..
do u think its legit tho man? i grew it awhile back n love it but uk idk i dont wanna get fucked here


Well-Known Member
do u think its legit tho man? i grew it awhile back n love it but uk idk i dont wanna get fucked here
im kinda of confused on what you are asking is legit? purple lady/haze are the same. are is very legit..

the seed company? yeah for sure. they are reputable and put out a large and in charge magazine. i have many issues


Rebel From The North
if aditude seed dont stock a better supply Il be looking for a new seed bank aswell, sucks cuz aditude is so reliable